Final Fantasy VI Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Super Smash Bros. Melee Super MarioKart Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars EarthBound ...and only one wasn't made specifically for the SNES. What a nerd I am.
This list reflects the series' of the games mentioned: Shenmue Metal Gear Solid Max Payne Tenchu Urban Chaos (PS1 Original) Grand Theft Auto favorites, but I play everything & anything. I love games, haha.
Halo 2 Super Mario Brothers Donkey Kong Country 1 & 2 Call of Duty 2 I only own SMB and DKC (yes, the SNES is the best), and play the other two when at my friends house, at our weekly Red Bull Fest.
I'll probably think of an all-time list later, but my current favourite game is probably Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on DS.
1. Tes 3 Morrowind 2. Warcraft 3 BC and TFT 3.KOTOR 4.Halo 5. C&C Generals 6. Gothic 2 & 3 7. Never winter 8. Flat out 2 9. Spellforce 2 10. Arcanum 11. Tes 4 oblivion I can't remember more at this moment. Morrrowind is my favourite game, others on the list have random positions.
Just a few off my head & alll on Xbox or Xbox 360 hehe Gears of War F.E.A.R. Quake 4 Halo Halo 2 GTA III GTA: San Andreas NHL 07 Lost Planet
Project Gotham Racing 3 Halo Halo 2 Gears of War Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty 3 Saints Row Unreal Tournament
I really like GTA: San Andreas GTA: Vice City Super Smash Bros: Melee 007: Goldeneye Desperados: Wanted Dead Or Alive Resident Evil 4 S.W.A.T. 4 I also hope they make that Stay Alive game.
-The Grand Theft Auto's - Goldeneye - the SNES Kirby games - the Mario games that actually go along with the Mario story (although I've enjoyed Mario Party) - Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver