So I've been thinking about this for a while now, ever sine Minutes to Midnight was released and a lot of LP's fans cried in agony at what they had become and how they were better off staying firmly in the Nu-metal genre. For me personally my friends who were making these complaints were very big into heavy metal and similar genres where the songs were not sung but screamed or growled. I came to the conclusion that they actually were more fans of the genre than they were of any single band and if they were a fan of a band it was because they were personifying that genre more than anything else. This is not an unusual thing really as we can all say we have at least one favorite genre that we feel produces the best kind of music but it also means we don't care about individual bands or stop liking them because they diver into new territory that can't be classified as one genre. Linkin Park is a pretty unique band because their efforts have put them in a spot that is hard to define. MtM was a solid rock album that many thought moved them away from the more electronic side of their act until ATS pops up and it's a game changer again, my father who was a very big fan of MtM did not like ATS at all because it wasn't rock and my heavy metal friends even told me Linkin Park had gone completely soft. the album once again polarized some fans who were happy enough with the electric guitars and Chester's unaltered voice. Personally I fucking love that Linkin Park can not be defined by one genre alone and their songs will always leave me guessing as to how they will sound and I'm most definitely a Linkin Park fan rather than a fan of a genre they happen to have been a part of. Now I have seen some discussion on LPA about ATS being the best album and others getting really excited about Chester's screams for THP. So my question to you guys (If you haven't fallen asleep reading through the wall of text) is this Are you a fan of Linkin Park and all their efforts or do they simply just fall into a genre that you count as your favorite?
I'm a fan of good music. Simple as that. It doesn't really matter who it is, or what "genre" if falls under.
I'm a fan of the band. It's hard to define their genre, Robot Boy, When They Come For Me and Rebellion all sound completely different, not part of a genre. I'm a fan of good music like Gibleson said, and LP have lots of good music(and some bad music).
Well they certainly can't be placed in one as a band but I think their albums can be put into genres with the exception of ATS because I still don't really know what it classifies as. I do try to listen to music this way but it's also not always that simple, surely there are entire genres you don't like? For me personally I have yet to find a single RnB song I actually like let alone talk about it with my friends. There are lines that always get drawn and as laughable as it sounds if LP ever make an RnB album I have no clue what I would do. I'm glad people think the same as I do limiting yourself to genres can be a loss to yourself and I think LP prove this quite nicely.
i'm a LP fan. i dont listen to any other band of the new metal era. i listen to what i like, though its usually rock/metal related. i woulnt call what i listen to "good music", because big part of it is very "different" of what most people usually listen and say is good.
Sure, I like certain genres a lot more than others (like anyone does), but I still like music within those genres. Just because the mainstream of a genre tends to not be that good, doesn't mean their is not good music to be found.
I honestly don't believe that for RnB lol. My point with LP making an RnB album though is that I would most probably still get that album cause I'm a fan of LP but dislike RnB. I feel like LP is a great band to lead people into types of music they normally wouldn't hear or listen to on their own but there are others who like Linkin Park for their individual albums because it fits into their favorite genre. It's great to see people are more open minded about it.
If anything, I'm a fan despite the genre. Nu Metal blew for the most part. Not an alt rock guy. Certainly not a pop rock guy. One of the reasons I love ATS so much is how flows through different genre so seemless. So it certainly has nothing to do with genre.
I'm a fan of the band, not a fan of all their efforts, and definitely not a fan of many of the genres.
See this is what interests me. LP can qualify for any one of those genres and still appeal to you. How much are you looking forward to the THP? just out of interest
With Linkin Park, I'm definitely a fan of the band themselves, regardless of genre. They make great music for me, so that's really enough for me. I AM a fan of genres (more rock, alternative, hip-hop, etc.), but with the guys, I know they're going to be all over the place and that's what makes them so great for me.
Pretty disappointed so far. I feel like the only one into heavier music thats not ezcited about the band going back to rock. It's just boring. The tracks are alright, there's just nothing special about them IMO. No edge. I maintain that Rebellion is a fucking trainwreck and don't understand the hype around it.