Exclusive New Album Details: Chester Talks to Kerrang! Magazine | Full Interview

Discussion in 'News' started by Ree, Mar 21, 2012.

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  1. Rezanator

    Rezanator Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I have read this article.
  2. Jack_Farrell

    Jack_Farrell KTTK is Chester suicide-diving off a cliff naked

    May 1, 2008
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    lol. Crawling won them a Grammy and In The End almost tops the Billboard 200. How many Grammy nominations has ATS got them?
  3. Stop the Talk Show

    Stop the Talk Show Hands Held High

    Jul 3, 2010
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    When it was released I heard it maybe 5 times on my local rock station. Since then I haven't heard it once. This station plays Linkin Park ALL THE TIME, usually crawling, faint, and In the End. This station also had linkin park headline a festival in 2008. So it's not that they just dont like LP. It has to do with the Catalyst.

    Edit: I love the catalyst by the way, it's my favourite song on ATS. I just mean it's clearly not as popular on the radio as some songs from meteora and HT.
  4. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    You know, I just realized upon re-reading the article that not only has Chester's entire interview been taken extremely out of context, but that the album likely is not going to be nu-metal at all. Read the following:

    "There's so many different sides to LP, and we're tapping into each of them a little bit. With this album, we've incorporated a lot of guitar work with big choruses and the heavier electro stuff to give it a really big wall of sound feeling without getting too metal."

    Which means that this album will have more of a hard rock influence due to the guitars, but will NOT be straight up nu-metal. It will NOT be a return to Hybrid Theory and Meteora. Chester is simply saying they're tapping into each side of LP on this album. Enjoying what they like about their 'older selves' vs scrapping what they hate. This is re-inforced by the later quote here:

    "We just know the things we don't like, so we know whether or not we're feeling this vibe or that vibe that we've had in the past. But, above all, we just let the music take us wherever it wants to go."

    The band's made it extremely clear during ATS just what parts of their old music they despised and what they enjoyed. They clearly miss the energy and tempos of the older music, but don't seem to be fond of being put into a "nu-metal box" as Chester put it. In short, they're not running away from songs reminiscent of the old sound, but they're not exactly running towards them either. They're allowing the music to take them where they want to go. Mike said the album doesn't sound like Hybrid Theory, and the whole interview Chester gave proves that. Both their descriptions match up.

    So everyone can stop freaking out now :p.
  5. Moridin

    Moridin Death Contagious Deity

    May 25, 2010
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    That's pretty much the vibe I've been getting for a while, like they've taken their foot off the pushing-the-creative-envelope pedal after the reaction to ATS. But Chester says a lot of stuff so I'll just wait and see/hear for myself.

    I'm totally fine with poppy or positive, with the right exectution.

    Indeed. Kill 'Em All through to Justice is straight up progression from simple minded Thrash Metal to almost all out, thoughtful Prog Metal. And that's 4 albums in the space of 5 years, '83 to '88. They took a left turn after that because they'd done all they could with it.

    With HT to Meteora, I remember Chester did an interview (possibly Revolver magazine, possibly 2006, if anyone has it or a link to it I'd appreciate clarification) where he flat out said Meteora was them caving to pressure from the label & fans to create another HT.

    If HT wasn't half as big as it was I think Meteora would sound quite different.

    It's not about getting what I want or a band giving fans what they think they want (I'm a firm believer that most people haven't a clue what they want, I know I don't) It shouldn't be about any of that. To quote Bill Hicks, it's about playing from your fucking heart!!

    Whatever they genuinely want to write, I'm open to listening to it. Writing what you think other people want to hear is not genuine writing.

    RE: ATS being mainstream. Just the entire idea of making a cohesive, "experience as a whole" album is direcctly opposed to the current trends.
  6. deftonesfan867

    deftonesfan867 976-EVIL

    Apr 5, 2010
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    Right it's not as popular, but remember kids when an album has things you don't like calling it mainstream and selling out is the cool thing to do!
  7. Jeff

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Grammy awards/nominations don't mean shit.
  8. hybrid.theory7

    hybrid.theory7 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
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    Speaking of metallica their best album was their fifth album,hope it remains the same for LP.
  9. deftonesfan867

    deftonesfan867 976-EVIL

    Apr 5, 2010
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    KEA>>>>>>Black Album.
  10. Zane


    Apr 3, 2010
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    This is not a democracy. We as fans do not sit and vote on the kind of music the band will create next. We didn't force Linkin Park to make "progressive rock" styled music and we are not making the band create music that is against the wills of certain fans. This choice is made entirely by the band themselves and it is clear that they do no wish to make certain styles of music anymore. They made A Thousand Suns and Minutes to Midnight for a reason: themselves. They did so of their own will and nothing we say as fans will make a difference. So you can say that "other group of fans to get the album they like", but the band is not going to sit around a table and make music that certain fans specifically want. I am sorry, but that will never happen. So please, do not word things as if some fans are being selfish and forcing the band to create music that fans like you do not like.
  11. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    ^ The most sensible reply to the article and this thread so far. ;)
  12. Andreina

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Best advice, for the sake of our sanity.

    As I read through the pages all I see is people taking too literal what each other say, and too literal what Chester said. We should just chill out, because in any situation, when we make too quick conclusions, sometimes we're doing it all wrong or missing the point, especially if it's something you didn't want to hear.

    Linkin Park isn't dumb, they must be cooking some mind blowing PIE in their oven, we just gotta wait a little longer, because it won't be too long before the new single is out, I give it mid-April like Derek said.
  13. Jeff

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Yeah when it comes to the kingdom of Linkin Park, Linkin Park are the kings of their domain, not the fans. It is not a democracy, people don't get to just decide what they do. They decide what they make. Hell, if they want to make a polka-rap-metal-techno-core album, and it was an honest record, then yeah I would support them.
  14. Erica

    Erica Meh LPA Über VIP

    Sep 3, 2010
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    Lmao is always like this around new album time?
  15. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Yesss. :D Pretty glorious, hey?

    I love how it feels like new album time has just snuck up on us and the band avoided the usual big announcement to kick it off. One day, out of nowhere, it was just, "yeah, the album's almost done, by the way, guys. Summer 2012!" ;D
  16. arbiter

    arbiter Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Slow down, LP. I'm not ready for a new album yet. I'm still on a A Thousand Suns high!:unsure:
  17. Xerø 21

    Xerø 21 I was Ree's 100th follower on Twitter.

    Jun 26, 2010
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    That's exactly what I'm saying. Music can both have a nu-metal sound, and be pop music. Hybrid Theory and Meteora are shining examples of this.

    What a song sounds like really has very little to do with whether or not it is pop music. Not a lot of people understand what pop means.

    From what I've seen you post, calling In The End and Pushing Me Away pop and calling When They Come For Me "old school LP," you seem to think that aggressive music is not pop music. That's just wrong. Read my big rant to see why.

    You're allowed to like listening to whatever sound you like. If you love Meteora best, great. But you cannot "beg to differ" with pure facts. A Thousand Suns is Linkin Park's least pop album. Fact.
  18. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Yeah, that's just weird
  19. lilj4425

    lilj4425 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
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    I just want to know where I can get some of this pie at??? :D
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  20. Rezanator

    Rezanator Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2010
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    From the interview it's clear Linkin Park are inspired by the Insane Clown Posse.
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