Ok I know that they have gotten a little bit older but it seems like they've lost their energy? Like when I watch their older shows then the newer ones I prefer the old cause they put more energy into the songs they play, its like they've become dull or idk they're just not that great live like Live in Texas anymore. idk if any of you understand what I mean but share your opinions
I hear what your saying, but No more Sorrow, Given Up, Bleed it out have more energy that some HT/Met songs put together. If anything the've improved so much since HT. I mean the intro's to OSC, SIB & the outro of faint are perfect examples. I dunno if its just me though, but the on Live in Texas I really don't like Brads guitar. It might be because its on too loud or something. After Listening to QWERTY live or Reading my eyes live on underground 6 his guitar sounds so much better than it did on LIT. IMO.
Makes sense...they have been doing this stuff for a good long time...its probably not as huge an adrenaline rush as it used to be either...and yeah they aren't in their twenties anymore.
Linkin Park has no excuse. U2 is still live and kickin'. Seriously. But yes, age and years of touring brings the energy down a bit. I'm sure they'll bring it back for Projekt: Revolution.
You also have to remember so many of the shows we see are these one-off shows, some in different countries, TV performances, sessions, etc. They might just be kind of getting their legs back.
Live In Texas? As far as I'm concerned thats one of their dullest, most boring concerts. Not that its bad
I agree but i would add that energy is more focused now because they don`t need to jump around the stage like crazy anymore to get their point across to audience. For example many people like Pushing me away piano version although its a slow song but it transfers the message without screaming or jumping around all the time. Its just a different type of energy imo. And have you seen Bleed it out on SNL? They had energy there lol.
I sure hope they still have a lot of energy. I haven't seen them live yet and when i do a want to see them put on an amazing show, and i'm sure many others are in the same boat.
(*skinny puppy reference for the 10,000 time*) Look at Skinny Puppy, 25 years of touring and they still got the blood onstage, the powerful stage effects and all that. I can't say much about Rolling Stones and related because I never seen their shows.
They're all crazy I think they still have heaps of energy, it's just that now their songs are less energetic, take Shadow of the Day for example, and Leave Out All the Rest, and In Between.. i know... i chose the less energetic songs, but there's more less energetic songs on M2M than there has been on the past two albums. But maybe comparing them with the less energetic songs on HT and Meteora would give you a more realistic idea... Putting In Between up against Faint just isn't fair.
Maybe the audience isn't charging up Lp's energy as much as old times. I would imagine their energy is fueled by the fans reaction to the music, and well most of the songs on MTM are quite dull and boring anyway, so it's hard to do anything energetic with most of the MTM set anyway, besides maybe given up, What I've done and a couple other songs. Maybe it's not that they are old, because their really not, their all around 30, that's OLDER, but not literally half dead or anything, maybe they are just not as thrilled to be a band as they were back in Hybrid theory and Meteora days, because nothing ever really can compare to those times anyway and I don't think anything ever will again either.