This really doesn't suprise me, to be honest. I've only ever been a casual listener, but their last 2 albums were really weak, and all the live reviews from the last few months had left me under the impression they were already falling apart. Or is that just me?
I don't see Hoobastank or Puddle Of Mudd splitting though. I think it's a shame they've decided to call time on EV. I was never a huge fan but I definatly enjoyed listening to alot of the stuff they put out there.
I suppose it's got to depend whether you want to keep playing music with the boys around you, too. But I'm sure Eighteen Visions' latest album barely being promoted lead to this decision. As a matter of fact, I'm sure their last two albums weren't promoted as much as they should have been, so it was probably a long-brewing thing. There's another band I'm thinking of that split up because their label didn't promote their latest album, but I can't think of what band it is. As for Hoobastank, I'm sure their label didn't promote their album because it was complete trash; as for Puddle of Mudd, I don't even think any members of that band are on this planet any longer.
Puddle of Mudd is recording a new album due out this summer. I'm seeing them live on May 20th. Obsession was actually promoted on TV quite a bit as well (the album before the self-titled) and I've seen the music video for Victim a few times on MTV2 and Fuse. The band has been around for a long time without having any promotion or being in the I doubt that's the reason.
True. Look at the fanbase they had during the time they were around. Sure, they weren't the biggest band in the world, but people followed them. But in a way, i'm sure it somewhat had to do with the fact they went A7X on us with the S/T CD, which isn't a bad album at all. Speaking of Hoobastank and POM though, yeah that's also true. But Hoobastank's last album mostly sucked while POM is probably going to comeback in Hinder like fashion...that's just me.
One lame metalcore fashion act down, a million to go. Sorry to anyone that likes them, but I'm sick of this genre. Them and Escape the Fate and all those poorly dressed bands really need to just... I dunno... stop. They have bad taste in clothing and bad taste in music. It's the same thing. I did like them live though when I saw them with Gym Class Heroes and Emery.
I'm going to mean no offense when I say this, because I thoroughly agree with you, but you always seem to make comments similar to this when you come into a thread that concerns a band that you don't like. It's one thing to comment on how you "didn't care too much for their music, but it's a shame that they broke up," and it's another thing to say what you say. There's no need to go on about how they're a "lame metalcore fashion act" at all.
I agree with you. He always seems to go on about the entire genre or scene/clothing rather than the individual band.
And the problem is....? I'm sorry, but I have to defend Chris. I agree with him 100% and he was just stating his opinion. He wasn't being ignorant or anything. But yeah, I agree with him. I see a lot of bands changing their clothing style (30 Seconds To Mars, Linkin Park, etc...) to "fit in" with the current trend and it's getting really annoying. I mean come on, when did Chester start wearing tight black clothes?
It doesn't really have anything to do with that. The only way I can give any examples is to come off like I'm insulting or trying to offend him, which I'm not trying to do at all. But he never has anything musically-critical to say about a band first. His main problem with them is how they dress, then their music. Who cares what they look like? It's not relevant at all. It'd be like if The Fall of Troy broke up and I posted in the thread, "That's one tight pants-wearing band down, a million to go." It just has nothing to do with the music.
I still stand by my opinon that they are poorly dressed and I'd also like to add, extremly cliche. And just because I say one thing first and the other thing next and only focus on one certain aspect doesn't mean it's my main problem. And please, I beg you people, please can we just drop the "it's all about the music" thing. Espically in this case, these guys followed a clothing trend and probably cared more about the hairspray and eyeliner then the music. But then again, what would I know, I'm an opinated asshole. And just to please you, I do not like there music, it's a shame they broke up though since they apparently had many fans.
Puddle of Mudd is another story entirely as it's a band built around one single person. The only one that matters is Wes. Everyone surrounding him were replacements hired by the label as only Wes signed the record contract. Hoobastank is also different as they're a proven money-maker with multiple hit singles. They'll get a second shot. Decent band, IMO, sad to see them go.
I probabaly would have cared if they didn't turn into fakes and change their style completely just to become mainstream. Their last two albums were completely different than anything they had ever done. But then again, Vanity was a sucky album in itself. Their best album was Best of Eighteen Visions .. haha ovbiously. Well, hmMm it's sad that they're splitting up. It shouldn't have to have anything to do with the sucesfulness of their latest album. And if it does.. it shows it right there that they were never about the music anyway. Well, It's sad to see them go becasue Obsession was a really good album. I've never heard the other one though.. even though I've heard of it and the single, which I didn't like too much. They kept changing up! And now... they're done. =/