Over the last couple days an eBay link has brought to attention a BURN IT DOWN Remix Promo CD that features a selection of BURN IT DOWN remixes from a number of different artists, as well as an instrumental & acapella version of the track. Whilst we can't upload the acapella and instrumental tracks for copyright reasons, we can provide you with a download of the 7 remixes which are on the CD and have already been released publicly by the respective artists. You may be familiar with two of the tracks from being part of LIVING THINGS Remixed at linkinpark.com. I just want to reiterate that these are already available online and we are simply providing the collection for convenience. The actual legitimacy of the CD is in question, with the only copies being privately listed on eBay, so be careful if you're buying this as it might not be "official", however there's no doubting the legitimacy of the tracks, including the acapella and instrumental we can't share. Anyway, to save you spending money on a potentially unofficial promo CD, we decided to provide you with them for free. Preview and download the collection below in 320kbps and let us know what you think of the remix tracks on our forums. Linkin Park - Burn It Down Remixes CD DJ Promo AT THE REQUEST OF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER (WARNER BROS RECORDS), THIS FILE HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM OUR SERVERS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING. Source: Original Source Unknown / Rip was provided via Waylander
You just rendered my thread useless Joe. Edit: Wait. I can make this work. http://www.lpassociation.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37159&p=1188740#post1188740 PREVIEW ALL THE AVAILABLE SONGS ON MY THREAD BEFORE DOWNLOADING THEM HERE.
I hope you read the main post. It specifically said that we can not post the a cappella and instrumental due to copyrights.
This is good, nothing to hate on these tracks. I wonder if any of the remaining were part of the LT remixes though? I'm guessing not since this was A-okay to post about. Burn it Down is a great enough track to remixed, given how long it has been out as a single.
the remix of Paul van Dyk is fuckin horrible,and i love some of Paul van Dyk's stuff but this is just pure bullshit.
Nothing special. I'm not a big fan of remixes, it's really rare for me to like one. I like the Hann with Gun remix, his Crawling remix is pretty cool too.
I love remixes. I'm dreaming of a Reanimation 2. Anyway, these remixes aren't half bad. A little variety is always welcome. While I don't like the Paul Van Dyk remix either, the others will stay in my library. Thanks!
Wish there was the instrumental and acapella available... Anyways, I think the Hahn With Gun Remix is the best, followed by the Double Dust remix.
Liking the Hann With Gun remix (although I desperately wish he would tune that guitar...). It's a pretty cool up-tempo remix, nice stuff! I have to say though, I believe the LPA Mix Up community as a whole is easily capable of topping this collection of remixes this month. Time to get to work LPA - time to give Linkin Park some Burn It Down remixes that Mike can REALLY say are amazing.
Thank you Ree! Hope you like the end result when it's done. There are cool remixes in that thread already though, so it's already a good month