I think the song is brilliant, showing the band still does got it. 9/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB0LMZOPsA4
Not feeling it all that much. It might grow on me though. In my opinion they havn't released anything special since White Pony.
Pretty awesome song. Musically, a little repetitive, but loving the drumming from Abe. Chino's voice sounds great. Reminds me a lot of older Deftones. 8/10
Damn...That is seriously awesome. 9/10. I was not expecting that level of awesomeness. And yeah it does have an older Deftones feel.
I absolutely love it. Been waiting soooo long for some new Deftones. Particularily since I didn't like SNW that much.
Chino's style has never reminded me more of Bjork XD. A little repetitious but it's always nice to hear a new Deftones track.
While I love the Deftones whole heartedly, this is not one of the better tracks I've heard from them. The riffs are pretty much generic numetal, the lyrics are atrocious, the track gets darn repetitive, and it just generally doesn't excite me nearly as much as when I first heard hole in the earth.
I thought Saturday Night Wrist was really good. This... is ok. I'm glad that they're finally releasing music again.
I think, yeah, it's a nice mix between their early material, like, on "Around The Sun", and, like, the lyrics from "White Pony". I'm excited for the new album.
I'm with Luke on this one. "White Pony" was their highlight, and everything since then hasn't been as strong. Although, I'll admit to liking a few songs off of the self-titled and Saturday Night Wrist. I like the demos for SNW more, however. It just seems like a band that's still trying to remain relevant in a musical climate where alot of other bands are outshining them in every way. They aren't the only band in this position, though. Give me another Team Sleep album, man. Or Holy Ghost. Or, actually, give me "Eros", the last album Chi played on. Cheno describes it as dark and experimental, but they shelved that one for when he recovers. This is their more "optimistic" album, so says Cheno. I'm divided, I think the new album will do good numbers, but it won't live up to expectations. "Eros" will blow minds, I'm willing to bed. Brilliant. I take back everything I just said.