I think I loved that. I don't know how. It seems really terrible. I couldn't stop listening to it, though.
I couldn't stop laughing through this one. Be warned: There is a lot of penis going on here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbW9JqM7vho
I think Ninja is a pretty damn good rapper. This is just going off a couple songs I've heard of theirs, but they seem original in a weird way that I just can't quit listening to them. Instrumental work is decent, too. I've probably listened to Enter The Ninja 20 times in the last 2 days. Awesome that they're from South Africa.
This is what would happen to Eminem if he were to OD on LSD and spike Nicki Minaj's drink with 200 ounces of helium. What the FUCK?!