I know some people on here have DeviantART profiles, but I thought it might be intresting for people to post their profiles in here all together. Just post a link to your profile so we can see what everyone's making, artwise. And possible add each other as friends on DeviantART. http://st0f.deviantart.com/ <- that's me. And this is the last thing I've made: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/44822916/
That's me. Mostly photography with a bit of poetry thrown in for good measure. And the most recent. Damn, I need to update.
This is me. I post art on here all the time so a lot of you know what the stuff on there is like. But I'm hoping to refine my poetry skills (I used to write poetry all the time, but I haven't in ages) so I can get some poetry up there eventually. And my most recent. I was about to make a thread just like this.
Here's mines > http://st3alth23.deviantart.com/ enjoy my ok-ish art should really get that pic of mike shinoda i drew years ago uploaded... might eventually get round to fixing the shoulder, didnt quite draw it right
http://dreamssetonmute.deviantart.com/ <~~~mine I'm adding every one of you...like it or not!... (already got you St0f XD)