hey i never noticed either or maybe he just uses different ones all the time. but it be nice to know...right?
I remember Brad talking about his headphones in the Frat Party DVD. You can check that out to know more .
You! Type better! You! Be nicer! You! ...Wait a minute, how the hell did you get in here? *explodes* ... I believe Brad at least used to use AKG headphones, but don't quote me on that, I'm not positive.
I know aye! Obviously that guy needed to be pwned I don't think Brads Headphones actually do anything do they?
Hmmm maybe. But wouldn't that make them ear muffs? Doesn't sound very rock band kinda thing, wearing ear muffs.
I'm like 98% sure that Brad wears in-ear monitors under his headphones, beacuse his headphones aren't wired or anything. My best guess is that when LP started out and they didn't have enough money for IEMs Brad just used the headphones for ear protection, and he got so used to wearing them that he'd rather just keep them on...or maybe his explanation that they "help tie him into his own personal Matrix" is the real story.
lol... i remember brad say once...."I'll have to kill you if I tell you" when asked about his headphones...