I don't like that stuff, I love it. I'm 28. I was your age when Meteora came out. It inspired me to do a lot with my life. It helped me tap into my artistic side. I still get inspired to draw or paint something while listening to it. Also, I can still relate to it. I can relate to almost everything the band has done at one point or another. As terrible as seemingly everyone says their music is, it still feels like it is a part of me. I still listen to Hybrid Theory and Meteora regularly. I have no shame in that. I have no shame with anything Linkin Park has done. Call me a "fanboy" if that helps you get over yourself, but at least I am staying true to who I am and am being loyal to the things that matter to me.
I still have all my LP CDs, but I deleted all the digital files (except for ATS and LT) years ago. I do not regret it at all. Aside from the few occasions that I get a little nostalgic, I never listen to those songs. Hell, I hardly listen to their newer stuff either. I simply grew out of LP, and it sounds like you did too. Your taste has changed. There's so much good music out there, though, that I wouldn't fret too much.
Why would you have shame for listening to HT and M? Awesome albums. (I love Meteora. I said it. It's not original or very creative if we're gonna act like critics, but, it sounds awesome, and it's still maybe my least favourite LP release...) But, as a younger fan ATS is my favourite album because it's perfect. I'm proud to tell my own friends about all LP albums, even through most of them heard nothing but Rihanna and GaGa... I wasn't an LP fan from the beginning because I was a baby, but in 10 or 20 years I'll be able to say that I've been a fan since my own childhood... I'd never ''delete'' any LP album or LP itself...
I think LP are fantastic. The sounds and melodies are amazing and their newer lyrics are good. But I really do not like their older stuff now. But in no way is LP a bad band imo
I think if that's your opinion then you should just move on. Honestly, it's stupid to hold on to something and just hate it more in the end. I would do the same if I felt like that, though that will never ever happen of course! I had a time between 2008 and 2010 when I didn't listen to LP because I got tired of the songs. I never stopped liking them though, I just needed something new and then ATS was released and I was like
JT is working on his third album right now is what i heard and read somewhere I think this is BS,almost every single artists I grew up listening to as a kid with a few exceptions have been deleted or not listened to. Just because you grew up on something doesn't mean crap.
Exactly! It was a record that lasted very long, because there was so much to discover. I'm still listening to the songs without throwing up...
Then part ways, delete them or whatever the hell it is you need to do. No need to write a whole melodramatic essay about it.
Lol I still have all the physical CDs! And the files are still on my computer, they're just off my iTunes/iPod. XD Unfortunately, no. Mike has never been an amazing rapper, but he has had some great moments in his career's lifespan. That being said, The Rising Tied has some of Mike's worst lyrical work I've heard. I can't pretend to still be that dude who loves the album because it's the rapper from Linkin Park. Let's face it, the beats and the music are great, but as a rapper, Mike totally sucked on that record in my opinion. He only had some good verses back in early LP and a few things here and there. Also, I never got into DBS because I didn't even like the singles, so yeah. Of course LP will always have a special spot in my heart, but it just doesn't belong on my iPod anymore heh. I will say this though, I still think MTM is a great record and that's still on my iPod.
I guess this is where we differ the most. Music is not a "part of me." I have never felt I had to define myself by the music I listen to. I have a great relationship with art, and I appreciate the hell out of it, but I never let my own life bleed into it; I keep them separate and try to never let nostalgia cloud my vision. Hopefully that makes sense. Relax.
Props to you for staying objective and unbiased. I've always felt art, music included, as quite a subjective matter. If we differ that way, then so be it. Atleast you have enough respect for my views to agree to disagree. I said what I said about being a "fanboy" because it's not the first time that's come up. That was merely a generalized statement rather than being aimed directly at you. I got lost in my rant, dude.
I wasn't trying to be an attention whore, just wanted to share my story and hear your opinions. No need to be a douche. What good is attention on the internet anonymously anyway?
What good is attention, says the guy with the huge fuckin' graphic of his name with links to his soundcloud in his signature.