because i guess fear kinda gives you the motivation to live your life to its fullest so when the time comes you dont hold any regrets... atleast.. thats what drives me.. I used to think about death alot but i dont really anymore.. im afraid to die, but ill gladly die for the ones i love
Fear could motivate. For me, its the thought of not knowing about something that motivates me to either learn about it or experience it. Who hear fears the unknown and why??
The main reason people are scared of death is that they can't comprehend what might happen. It's human nature for people to feel lost and afraid when they don't have something to believe in, which is a factor in a lot of things from religion to supporting sports teams.
I think the people who say they don't fear death really do. I mean, who wants to die unless they have a really shitty life and got themselves into a lot of trouble with the law or something?
Who says that the people who're not afraid to die, want to die? Like me, I am not afraid, you could call it more like curiosity. What happens when you die? Does it just end like that or is there more after death? Maybe another life? Maybe we're just ghosts when we die. Who knows? That's why I am curious.
I'm only afraid to die if some prat is standing infront of me holding a gun or knife, because i want to live. I don't fear death in the sense that I'm scared of an afterlife of lack of it. Do you understand me?
It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens. "The key is, to not think of death as an end, but as more of a very effective way to cut down on your expenses."
okay... here's the's not like i'm an expert and i get that you say whats the point in living if u end up as nothing but a shell of better times, but what if u are already somewhat a shell of what u used to be and even as a living breathing person... you are not what u used to be and all you are is a sad memory of your past dreams, hopes, happiness, etc. Then what r u supposed to do? just sit there or og on and live life like u always wanted with the happiness(sure) but still eventually die emotionally until you are nothing? *tear*
It's inevitable, so no, in a way I'm not afraid of it. That being said, I don't want to die without accomplishing something in my adult life. A wife, children, great job, wealth, and other personal goals and ambitions are things I want to accomplish before dying. Will I rush them in fear of death? No. But I want to have people remember me as someone they respect before I die. I don't want to be the guy they shrug about when they hear the news, I want it to affect them.
One can only be remembered if others want to remember them. What is the way that you guys would want to die if you had the choice?