According to a post by a staff member of Julien-K's official messageboard, the upcoming Club Tattoo 13th Anniversary party on May 10th will mark the live debut of Dead By Sunrise, Chester's solo project with members of Julien-K. The Club Tattoo party takes place on May 10th, in Tempe, Arizona. Thanks EndlessHysteriaX51 for the news!
Wow that should be there any news about them recording this performance so i can view it on the internet or anything like that
I think it will be interesting to see the setlist DBS choose to play. I wonder if he'll ever be screaming in DBS or growling like he does in LP, that's also interesting since Chester has never screamed in any of the side projects besides Technical Difficulties by Julien-K.
yes, Yes! YES! God I wish I lived in arizona right now!!! I seriously can't wait to hear what he'll play with the guys, How many songs would it be?? Damn I have so much hype for this and the album!!! Someone better record it!
is this maybe a sign that the DBS record will be coming out soon? I know it was put off until after M2M was done/released, but in an interview about PR '08, Mike said something about the upcoming trek being their 3rd in support of M2M. So this all leads me to believe that they are ready for a new record (which Brad/Mike (i think it was) said they had material and would release the next one quicker)). If that's the case, where the hell is DBS?!?!? I know this was a long message and it probably doesn't make sense, but dammit, I want to see Dead By Sunrise soon!
chester as well as jk staff have mentioned the possibility of recording, but nothing is confirmed. there is however at least one person from the jkmb planning on taping the show (assuming he doesn't get caught)
This is awesome news. I've been following the project since 2005, since it was called ''Snow White Tan'', and finally, three years later, we get some material. I loved the JK remix of Morning After as well as Let Down, so I hope the songs that they play are even more kick ass. I'm looking forward to rips too.
wow, i'm not sure ... i would say it's close to done. like, they're probably up to putting on finishing touches and stuff ...
The album is probably done now. Ryan Shuck said they were going to finish up during this March-May break in LP's touring cycle, and since they've had time to rehearse the songs for the show, they've almost certainly had time to finish up whatever recording was left to do. The album was originally "done" quite a while ago, but Chester decided to record a couple more songs after the rest had already been finished.
Wasn't there a tracklist on the Julien-K site quite a while ago? The only ones I remember are Morning After and Mr.Suffering.
? Chester does not growl, if you'd listened to any death metal like necrophagist or cannibal corpse you'd soon realize the difference. And screaming does not go well in grunge, thats why chester wouldn't have screamed in Grey Daze. Grey Daze is the only other band chester has been in that didn't do covers i believe. And seeing as i believe Dead By Sunrise will be similar to Julien-K but heavier (i read in an interview i think) I'm pretty sure he will do a bit of screaming, not much though, if he's input in Technical Difficulties is any hint.
will he scream or have gravel in his voice? Well, is the Julien-K remix of Morning After any clue? if ya know, that is the vocal track for the DBS version?