Warner Bros. has finally unveiled their plans for the DCCU up to 2020. Along with the films below, there is a new Batman film in development, along with a Man of Steel sequel. 2016: Suicide Squad, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice 2017: Wonder Woman, Justice League Part One 2018: The Flash (Ezra Miller to star), Aquaman 2019: Shazam, Justice League Part Two 2020: Cyborg, Green Lantern (Source)
Yeah, I have to agree with Coldplay here. I want a true DC universe that expands from Cinema to Television. I understand that it may be hard due to some DC shows being on separate networks but it's still very disappointing.
There's not much hope in a successful DCCU, at that. And this is coming from a huge DC fan. They just... all they know how to do is drop the ball. An oft-quoted example is this: A talking raccoon and a walking tree graced the silver screen before fucking WONDER WOMAN.
Yep and yep. I love Shazam/Captain Marvel, but I have zero faith in all of this as it stands right now. This is all announcement, more than likely with no planned connections or ties at the moment, just hype.
Guess I'll be the only one here to say I have faith in these upcoming films, and am very excited for them.
I actually like the casting of Ezra Miller as The Flash better. Overall the success of a lot of these upcoming films hinges how good Dawn of Justice is.
I watched 10 minutes of Perks of Being a Wallflower and couldn't even finish it for Emma Watson because of Ezra Miller.
Well, a teaser Trailer for Batman V. Superman has been confirmed for December 17th alongside The Hobbit's release. http://www.inquisitr.com/1566886/ba...trailer-attached-to-the-hobbit-imax-confirms/
New details on Ben Affleck's Batman. 2 Cars, Kryptonite Suit, etc. http://batman-news.com/2014/10/27/e...flecks-batman-batman-v-superman-dawn-justice/
I have hope for this universe. While others had their reasons to hate Man of Steel, I really enjoyed the movie a lot.
Ditto. One of my favorite superhero films. Only thing I disliked was Johnathan Kent. Actor did fine, but the character was terrible.
Zack Synder has posted the first official photo of Jason Mamoa as Aquaman on twitter. [thumb]https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10996774_846587118734769_6564373430563707066_n.jpg?oh=51d63bee21eedd59f1bc22ca952f70a9&oe=55553B82[/thumb] https://twitter.com/ZackSnyder/status/568650209581858817
^ Badass! I really hope the DC universe succeeds on the same level as Marvel. So far everything looks/feels good.