the million dollar question should be-will THEY ever come to my little,humble country.or even close?if some of you don't know where croatia is-it's east from italy,right across the sea.if you don't know where italy is you can shoot yourself...
cuo sam negde da je chester rekao da ce doci u srbiju na prolece 2006 da promovisu novi album!!! ma zezam se ali voleo bih da je tako
what? [/b][/quote] Its Croatian! I said that i liked apples and naked woman you're a dsidjefeblablablabla
Its Croatian! I said that i liked apples and naked woman you're a dsidjefeblablablabla [/b][/quote] What is that again? :wth:
Ja volim jabuke i gole zjene. That means 'I like apples and naked women'. Now, is the spelling write? I doubt it.
Chris-i think it is forbidden on lpa to f.uck about someones nacionality and language.if you're doing it because you think it is fun-it's not,so stop it!!!