Granted now playing on repeat for the rest of the day "Friday" by Rebecca Black. Welcome to Monday. I wish I had breakfast...
Granted, but it got busted while on the way to your house. I wish that I could get another Xbox and play Gears of War 3.
Granted, but you'd still be stuck at 2100 posts right now with me. (Damn you last 2 months! lol) I wish I had 3000 posts right now...
Granted, but me and Dustin have 12,000 muhahahahahahahaha jk I wish i could stop being mean to Hybrid.
Granted because your meanness doeasn't affect me. I wish Sonic knew he posted a second Z and I didn't have to reveal my identity as Mr. Asshole and point out that he failed by him pointing out that I failed. True story...