Words form in my head, As I lie here in bed Should it end today, Or wait another day? IF I kill the pain, Would I have more to gain? Looking at my wrists. It's about time for the blade's kiss. Would it end if I slice the vain? These question's answeres aren't simple and plain. Maybe things will get better, I think not, I should start the suicide letter.
I'm guessing you're a christian... Actually, you're wrong. If you really did believe their was a God you would know that God would make a choice on whether or not you did it for a good reason or not. Some people have good reasons on doing that type of thing, and in those cases, God would allow you into Heaven.
I'm guessing you're a christian... Actually, you're wrong. If you really did believe their was a God you would know that God would make a choice on whether or not you did it for a good reason or not. Some people have good reasons on doing that type of thing, and in those cases, God would allow you into Heaven. [/b][/quote] I agree..(I'm atheist) God supposedly loves all of his "children", and wouldn't let them "rot in hell" for just committing suicide. Sometimes suicide really is the answer, I don't care what people say. If you live in a world where absolutely no one, and I mean no one loves you, or cares for you, or at the least respects you...and you have no friends, you have no life, and you just are tired of your life, ...if that was me, I would definately commit suicide. I hate how people say "oh suicide is the easy way out." I've had quite a few friends commit suicide for stupid reasons, and a few for good reasons...and although I wish they hadn't, because I loved them and miss them all, I understood it. Suicide is not as easy as one might think. You think its easy to point a gun to your head, or hang yourself? Well I certainly don't. I'm sorry, but I believe that was a totally wrong statement, and I don't mean to be jumping your ass, but I get really defensive on stuff like this. Oh and Bryan: that wasn't to you, I was directing that at Crazy.Desperate.Insane, I quoted you to cause I was to lazy to click up a few times and just quote him (or her). I just wanted to make sure you didn't think it was to you.
That's basically how I felt during my suicidal stage... except I'd be holding the knife in the kitchen, twisting it around after my mother has finished screaming at me that the kitchen looks like a dump and I'd be cleaning it up.. I'd be asking myself would I? Should I? It's really good poem, by the way Maybe you could add how the person is really feeling inside, like what is causing him/her to commit suicide?
it reminds me of system, add the lines to the first verse, and sing it using the vocal arrangement and rhythem, it fits in
Nice DONT COMMIT SUICIDE Like every1 sed above it aint smart U sed ure not gonna good BECAUSE IT IS ANTISOCIAL AND PATHETIC TO COMMIT SUICIDE
that's the great piece of work. i have times now and then when i feel like that too...i want to say keep up the good work! :chaz: