Hahaha stop fighting people Anyways i am a mixed nationality I am a half Japanese and half Pakistani.So in which category will I come in? :wth:
Maybe you would get your point across better if you didnt type in caps yourself? [/b][/quote] how foolish @ strangelo0m, maybe the country you live in?
Banned after 13 posts. What an idiot. I.M. Canadian(on the Prairies). [/b][/quote] Ooh, what province?
Sask/Alberta/Manitoba are the 3 Prairie provinces. [/b][/quote] *Clicked his IP number and got a location. * I'm well aware of what the praries are, thank you.
*Clicked his IP number and got a location. * I'm well aware of what the praries are, thank you. [/b][/quote] Abuse of admin privlidges...you should be demoted for that. Yeah I know you do, I'm just...uhh...reminding you...yeah...that's right. I'm reminding you. :chemist:
United States (Felton California) Its a tiny town in the middle of NOWHERE in the Santa Cruz Mountains. I hate it here. ~*Silver
If that's the case I've killed about 3 and up in kitty heaven they are waiting to destroy my afterlife....... :chemist: