(UPDATED - WE HAVE ADDED A NEW TRACK TO THE DEMO: BLEED IT OUT/NIGGAS IN PARIS, CHECK IT OUT!) Hey Guys! This is an EXTREME ROUGH DRAFT of our project for Jay-Z & Linkin Park Collision Course 2. This was produced by Stephen Farro and Stephen Jackson. This project was done with very basic and limiting equipment but we got enough of the job done. If we get enough demand and likes for the project, the project can be made with professional equipment. ALSO, there is ONE MORE TRACK to this album.... Waiting For The End/Empire State Of Mind, but we can only get it done and release it if there is enough support and likes for this album because it needs to be done with live vocals and use some better equipment to achieve what we have planned for the track (It's going to be really big). Our hope is to get this in Jay-Z and Linkin Park's hands to see if they would be willing to collaborate with us and make this album for real, it'd be a dream come true, so help us and spread this around to everyone you know, and let's get this heard! If not, we still want this spread around and getting this on peoples' Ipods and Mp3s cause the most important thing was we made this for others to enjoy. So enjoy and please spread the word! (REMINDER: these tracks are rough drafts, and serve solely as just outlines to the format the real re-dubbed songs would follow, so please excuse some poor quality in a few areas) SOUNDCLOUD: http://soundcloud.com/sumofx3ro/sets/jay-z-linkin-park-collision/ YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL283CD26F3D9DB381&feature=view_all -Stephen Jackson
Pretty cool. You can still tell some of them are rough drafts as you mentioned. I'd love to hear where this goes with a little more time put into it on better equipment/software.
Damn, thus far (still listening) this sounds great. Further polish will definitely improve some of the tracks.
Thanks guys I appreciate you taking the time to listen to it and giving feedback! Of course I can't wait as well to get this done with some serious equipment, we definitely have some awesome plans for these tracks. Btw, we just updated it with a new track, we managed to complete Bleed It Out/Niggas In Paris and it sounds really sick, go check out the new track when you get the time and let me know what you think! Thanks again!