Childish is probably at the top of my list of favorite rappers. I've loved everything he's put out post-culdesac and Because The Internet was definitely one of my favorite albums last year. Anticipating the shit out of this.
Gambino is defs my favourite rapper of all, cannot wait for this new mixtape / 2 part mixtape thingy hahahaha.
^ just listened to it as well. really enjoyed it, wouldn't mind him going into that direction production-wise.
and then i woke up ... S T N M T N (alt) K A U A I edit: let it be known that KAUAI leaked. it's going to be available on itunes sometime soon. some websites accidentally uploaded both sides of the tape. you could probably google it and find it. also, jaden smith (see: blue ocean) is criminally underused.
I don't think gunshots would translate well on radio tbh. Also, how busy is Donald Glover nowadays??? Atlanta season finale, Solo premiering soon, hosting SNL and then releasing two Childish Gambino songs before he retires the moniker??