I am interested. I think the next album is going to sound more a thousand suns -album than any other albums they have made, but still a bit different, if you know what I mean. I like a thousand suns album, but I hope to hear something different and at least less experiment sounds on the next album. In the end, I Think they are going to record a great album once again .
I can understand that people want music that satisfies their tastes, but I can't imagine why they feel so damn entitled to what they want over what the artist wants. You want to listen to a specific kind of music and no one is making it? Make it yourself. You know, I'm really hoping that in the mean time they start releasing some ATS demos...but I don't see that happening. If I had to guess, they are probably using some of the sounds from the last writing process in the new one, but hope springs eternal.
In general I hope we can get some new release before the next actual album. Whether it's a new song or an old demo/bside. I actually already forgot about LPU11 so there you go, haha.
I want Acoustic AND electronic elements. More Piano, Violin, Flute, Acoustic guitar in the background would be nice but I really want some electronic music.
A song that starts out acoustically then builds up into an electronic shit storm and ends with Mike rapping. Make it happen LP.
Personally, I think that every album has been worth the wait so far, so I say they should take their time. I know if I was rushed to do something like this, I'd tell everyone to fuck off and end up playing video games.
I can't help but constantly be worried about them going completely electronic with only computerized sounds..and then we get to the point where 60% of the sounds played live are pre-recorded...lets hope they bring another kick ass album
i can wait until late 2012...the wait between meteora and M2M was 4 years of university for me...so no wait is worse than that i hope,...
I agree with everyone. I don't care if it takes till 2013, if I know I'm getting a quality album it's worth the wait.
There's no way they should feel rushed if they had a release date around next summer. Maybe don't tour for like 2 years after every album and put out more material. It's crazy thinking about bands like Led Zeppelin and The Beatles putting out some of the best stuff in history in such a short time. They had shit coming out every year and it was all golden. These days groups are taking a minimum of 2 years it seems, whereas LP is ~4.
Honestly, it is unfortunate that bands like LP have tended toward a 2-4 year turnaround between albums, but whether or not people want to accept it, the fact of the matter is that downloading / copyright infringement have essentially made the recording industry unprofitable for most bands (including major-label signees). Modern industry models basically dictate that a band tour relentlessly in order to make a shadow of the profits that used to be attainable. Back in the 60's, bands like The Beatles could afford to retire from touring and simply record new music at their leisure because their portion of record sale profits would easily divide 4 or more ways and equate to a substantial living. Nowadays, major-label bands have difficulty repaying their recording budgets, let alone making a profit from sales. At its basest level, the "album" has been reduced to a glorified poster. Rather than profit, the goal is now that a band's hard work and creative energies encourage ticket sales...