I saw both, the Pheonix thing was funny. But hey he was hyped up! And I think Mike was wondering what they were doin, though I would expect it...LP get wild at concerts.
Delson was the one who did it... (i think)... he threw the guitar first onto stage... Chester was just helping!!!...
lol!.. Ohhhh yeaaa i just checked it out. Your right he gives chester a sgnal with hands saying what the hell are you doing.. lol!..
... but i must check again the part of Mike showing off the hand signal - that "cute-lil-finger" thing!... it's pretty obvious that he really pissed-off when Chester bang the guitar onto stage... maybe Mike didn't want that to be watch by teenies?! or "maybe there's a kid watching" or something like that... but, hey... s**t happens... :wth:
Maybe he just turned around to see red-faced Chester smashing the guitar to bits and was totally surprised by it that his first reaction was "What the f*ck"
OMG!!!! I've watched that scene over 20 times and I never noticed that! haha! That's one of my fav. scenes from that DVD. I can't believe I didn't notice that- I guess I was too busy watching Chester smash up Brad's guitar! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (and happy belated birthday Phoenix!!!)
yeah i saw that too but if they did it on 70% of the shows then that means it wasn't unexpected! Mike also makes that same hand signal at the end of the DVD when they are on the buggy thing and it gets stuck at a ramp or something-check it out!
Cool...i´ve never noticed that what Mike was doing... Maybe next time he´ll give a guitar into anyone in the crowd...THAT would be great. And would make more sence...
If he gave the guitar to someone in the crowd wouldn't people like, destroy the person who got it? Anyways, yeah, I just watched Chester's little guitar smashing moment and it was pretty funny. I would love to have known what Mike was thinking right then.
haha! ya, i just went to check that out.... it got me to watch the whole LIT thing again. man, can't get enough of that. anyways, i never noticed that before either. thanks for pointing that out....it's kinda funny.
I watched LIT again today and I think Mike was disappointed with the rather weak attempt at destroying a guitar on stage. I mean, rumor has it that this was a common occurence and I think Mike just wanted something a little more dramatic considering that all the cameras were there filming. Christian or not - ROCK IS DESTRUCTION! YEAH! ...or something... :wth:
Yeah man, Chester should have pulled that rocket launcher he keeps in his back pocket out and just blow the thing straight to hell. Rawk. On.
lmao...did anyone realize that Mr.Hahn tried smashing his turn table like 3 times by throwing it to the ground and it didnt break but when chester threw it it shatters XD lol