Now I know Chester can play guitar... but he's never (to my knowledge) done it other than when he's played Morning After. While on a website I found a link to this... Chester On Guitar Looks like Chester is playing guitar on a song (or more) on Projekt Revolution.
and rob (I think it's rob) getting a mustache.... also never seen that before... nice pictures though
I saw a photo in kerrang magazine of Mike and snoop dogg rapping while Chester was stood in the background plating guitar
I think Chester likes running around jumping, screaming and going crazy, it think thats pretty hard with a guitar.
All right, Chester plays guitar! I hope he plays some in in the next album, and Mike, too, like in the videos, and maybe that would be "the new sound" (or only part of it) they are talking about in the interviews... Maybe you are right, but at least I'd like Chester to play guitar in the album, maybe not in the shows, if he doesn't want to...
Yeah would be cool if chester plays some guitar on the new record. it also would be awesome, if they would change the parts for just one song. like chester tries to rap a bit and mike sings or screams for just one song. or a song which is just focused on being hard and brutal (just deep heavy guitars and chester's screaming) and a very soft song with keyboard and accustic guitar (like 'soulsong' of grey daze). I expect completely new thing, I've been waiting for so long right now and other fans too
Yeah but LP said that's one of the reasons they have two vocalist. Is so they won't have to really worry about the rapper singing and the singer rapping. *cough Limp Bizkit*
I know Phoenix and Brad switch places on Nobodys Listening sometimes, but I didn't think Chester played any. I remember at the Cleveland show, Chester put on his guitar while they were in the Nobodys Listening part of the medley, but I don't recall him playing it any until they got to the It's Goin' Down part. Maybe he did, I dunno. Will was closer to the stage than me anyway.
The band's appearance really isn't a surprise to me. I mean compare "Numb Era" Linkin park to "One Step Closer" Linkin Park. I kind of expect them to have a slightly different band image.