I would prefer a Mike solo album because it would have more of a LP sound rather than a Chester album...and it would probably have a lot of cool collaborations. A Chester solo album (unless he worked with alot of different people) doesnt seem like it would have that much excitement. I'd probably buy it still
in my opinion its got to be mike... as kevin said mike has the knowledge and i can see mike doing a better job of it too - mike is a perfectionist and he'll have connections with other people who will help and maybe colaborate with him too.
I'm stuck on that one. I prefer rock and I know Chester's album would be more rock, but I think Mike is awesome. Either way, I'd buy both of the albums.
I think Mike has better songwriting skills than Chester. Chester needs to evolve past the anguish lyrics, I think. Mike can rap about anything and make it sound great. I'd love to hear both and I'd buy both the very first day, but I think Mike's would be more long-lasting.
^ i would have thought a chester album would sound more like a LP album because it will just be him singing and the rest of the band playing the music...while mike's album will ,ost likely be all hip hop and most likely have guest rappers on it.
Mikes Album sounds very cool for me just like LPU 4.0 tracks and Handsomeboy moddeling something song
id buy em both but id prefer a mike album.. i think theyd both be awesome.. i love the side stuff chester does and i love the side stuff mike does.. they both make some dam good music..
id prefer a chester solol album. Id like to hear just how much he can scream and how well. i mean he does in LP but its not that often, plus id like to see what hed sound like with different musicians behind him.
both of them are good, but i prefer Chester's :chaz: solo album....i juz like his voice so much..............
Mike's because i want to see what he can really do with his talents.. We all know what chester can do already
As much as I like Chester, I'd say Mike because he can DJ (sort of), play piano and guitar, etc as well as sing. I prefer Rock over Rap, but Mike gives it the LP taste so yeah I voted for him Let's just hope neither goes solo
Chester won't be screaming if he goes solo, trust me. He'll probably be soft rock kinda thing. I voted for Mike though.
I don't like hip-hop that much but I would prefer Mike because he could include hip-hop and rock on his album but it would sound strange if chester collaborated with other rappers without mike being involved, thats why i like Linkin Park, they bring different styles of music into their songs.
i just don't think mikes voice is powerful enough for a solo album. he hasn't done anything spectacular yet in terms of vocal work for LP. just plain old rap.
your right...he hasnt done anything spectacular when working for LP...but when hes not with linkin park (ie Its going down, dedicated, rock & roll and all the other great verses hes dropped outside of LP)....hes brilliant. sounds like he does better on hes own