I was surprised when I read somebody was attempting to scream for 18 seconds....even more surprised to hear them scream almost just like chester does...well, maybe not just like him...but close.
Mmm .. good try. It's not very hard to do , I can do 40+ sec screams. Maybe I'll do the 'Given Up' scream and put it up on youtube too.
That was impressive. But I'd love to see how he manages to hit those notes in the chorus after the 18 sec scream.
He might sound more like Chester if he had a Popper-Stopper. I just had to make a reference to that. But yeah, he got way closer than many of the other angry white guys sitting at home would.
yo, really, how do you transform a high note into a high scream? It's like my vocal chords just stop working altogether. I have NO idea how to do cool metal screams.
I used to have a (bad) recording of me screaming for my (old) band two summers ago and I sustained a scream for about a minute and a half. It's not hard. I couldn't do it that now if my life depended on it but I can hold a scream for 30-40 seconds now, and longer if I draw breath first. But a minute or a minute and a half? No way, couldn't do that anymore.
Yeah sure you can. Go on, record a 40+ second scream and post it here for us cause i'd love to hear it. btw, I mean actually screaming. Loudly. Not a soft scream because lots of people can do that.
you have to know that Will is the man in everything. now that he is back you'll soon start to realize that
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not... But it doesn't matter, because I wasn't trying to "boast" or anything.
I'll try to record a scream this weekend if my buddy comes up, otherwise I've got no way to do so. (I live in an apartment with 12 other people around me.)