This morning, the band shared with us their seventh studio update - this time coming from Chester. Chester briefly shares that he has been working on vocals over the last couple of months, and that he is proud of the work the band has done in the studio thus far. Though there are no major updates or particular insights to be reported, Chester does express that the band has a lot of great material that he hopes "challenges" and "inspires" the fanbase. Any thoughts on this new update? Discuss it in our forums!
I feel like the band does these brief but vague studio updates every 3-4 weeks, just to let us know they're still working, so they can't be blamed if the album doesn't come out till 2017 .
Well, right now i'm getting more pumped up to the LPU XVI with some THP demos. I Guess the first single will come out just next year because it doesn't make too much sense to have those bi-monthly LPU XV demos being released (there's 1 more incoming next month) and right away in november there should be the new LPU cd. It would be pretty confusing with an album/single release in the meantime.
The LPU clips sound alright. I've never heard of Chester Bennington before so I googled him and man that fool looks like a complete white boy poser. He looks like he is trying too hard to be hip and cool. He looks like the lead singer of Linkin Park's doppelganger. He should be calling himself Less-ter Bennington. /freddurst
I'm dying. I like the notion the band members keep bringing up about them "challenging" themselves and the fanbase. I don't know if they're just talking it up or if they really are but if it's the latter I'm really excited.
I hope he didn't use the word "challenging" lightly there. It sounds like they're doing something really different again. And I hope they are.
I highly doubt that they already got that "out of their system" as Shinoda said, that shipped has sailed alooong time ago
I came here from the future to spoil what the album going to sound like!!1 A mix of One Republic/Coldplay/The Mall soundrack It Goes Through kind of music!