Chester Bennington Support Thread - We're here for you

Discussion in 'Chester Bennington' started by Kevin, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. darkviruz

    darkviruz Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2010
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    I am very sorry about that. Can't listen to LP-Songs, too.
    I always try again, but in the last weeks I have heard almost nothing about LP. Just a little bit.
    I think you can hear LP again sometime. It takes time.
    We're all thinking about you and sending you much love.
    YoMarques likes this.
  2. Nadja

    Nadja Active Member

    Aug 1, 2017
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    This is what we've got after working during 1,5 month on the video-project. 64 beautiful hearts from 9 countries are speaking 35 different languages & are lighting a light for those ones who need help to fight mental health issues. I can fnally breathe and i really hope you'll find something very important in this video for you. Much love to everyone of you soldiers! <3
    YoMarques, Doridorica and darkviruz like this.
  3. darkviruz

    darkviruz Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2010
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    Seen it on twitter. It's just amazing what fans are doing for LP.
    Love this video:)
    Carla, YoMarques and Nadja like this.
  4. Doridorica

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    With all the feelings you have right now and depression there’s really no need to feel guilty over not listening to them or failing Chester. Everybody heals at their own pace and right now you need to take care of yourself, lift yourself up and then worry about everything else. LP songs will always be here waiting for yoh when you come back, whenever that is. You’re not a bad person and are not failing anyone, this was a hard blow that left everybody speechless and nobody will hold it back against you if you take time to heal.
    darkviruz and YoMarques like this.
  5. Doridorica

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Beautifully done, such an inspiration and sends a strong message :)
    darkviruz, YoMarques and Nadja like this.
  6. YoMarques

    YoMarques Linkin Park Soldier. LPUer.

    Apr 6, 2012
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    Thank you so much for your words and support, means a lot. I hope you'll be able to listen to them again as well :)

    So glad I was a part of this. Love it so much. <3

    Thank you so much. I'm trying to hold up, I know I have to take care of myself first. Things are pretty messy right now... I know all the memorials and tributes have been helping people heal, and that's why I feel guilty sometimes, for not being mentally able to do so right now. I know I've talked about this before, but it's always lingering in my mind. I appreciate all of you guys' support, and in helping me overcome this guilt. <3
    darkviruz likes this.
  7. Joh

    Joh Active Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    I'm happy for you that you are able to travel to new places and especially to be able to go to that event. I guess everyone going there is extremely sad and exited at the exact same time. It will be the most special event ever.

    At the beginning I was also trying to not listen to LP songs. The thing is that the songs keep playing in my head really really loud. I'm constantly constantly having their songs in my head and the only way to get them quiet is to actually listen to them.
    So I listen to LP songs during the gym and it gives me so much energy (plus it still breaks my heart but that again gives me even more energy) ... and then I listen to them during drawing which also still beaks my heart but it gets a tiny tiny bit less painful the more weight I left, the more miles I run oder the more things I draw or write.
    darkviruz likes this.
  8. darkviruz

    darkviruz Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2010
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    This gives me hope. I will definitely try to hear more LP. Will not be easy, but you will give me courage:)
  9. Carla

    Carla Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    Hi family. Been quiet for a while here as been trying hard to stick to my promise to sort myself out. I am pleased to say that I have not self harmed now for 2 whole weeks. The urge is still there every time I think of Chester but I am fighting it and slowly it is getting easier to ignore. I still hurt all the time about what happened and I don't know if I will ever accept it fully but I am getting there. How is everyone else doing?
    AndreyKamensky and minuteforce like this.
  10. insanefanboy

    insanefanboy RIP Chester Bennington

    Apr 15, 2011
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    I wish I could've met him. I wish I followed him on Twitter even. I still can't believe it, and am still shocked it's been nearly 3 months. I'm proud to say there are much bigger and more active fans out there then me. Thanks everyone who made a tribute.
    Nadja, KonKeR-182, darkviruz and 5 others like this.
  11. Morrigan5182

    Morrigan5182 New Member

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Today I started listening to their music again. You guys inspired me to do so... Some weeks or days before, it was like falling into a black, deep hole without any hope of rescue.
    Now, it still hurts and I feared it would never be the same again... All the songs seemed to have another kind of message... But now: I have hope... Thank you, guys!
    Nadja, KonKeR-182, darkviruz and 4 others like this.
  12. Bluspykz

    Bluspykz New Member

    May 24, 2017
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    My dad died yesterday. I'm questioning what the point is. Chester, my dad.

    So for the first time since Chester I managed to listen to LP. They helped me so much back when I was a teen, so I figured I'd start right back where I started then - Crawling, live video (red DVD single release - still works even on updated PC's...).

    I thought I was handling it and now I'm back to square one - if not worse.
  13. darkviruz

    darkviruz Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2010
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    I'm so sorry for you. My condolences to you:(
  14. AndreyKamensky

    AndreyKamensky hakuna matata

    Jun 26, 2010
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    I'm so sorry. My condolences.
    We are here for you if you need to talk or share feelings.
  15. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I'm in the same boat as you, I lost my dad in April of 2016 and Chester in July 2017. In basically a year and a half, two very important men in my life were gone.

    I know how you feel, and trust me when I say that it's normal to experience feelings of hopelessness after a string of losses like these. But you're not alone. Remember that. You have all of us here to help you and guide you through your grief, as we are all in this together. We are family, and we are here to pick each other up. After losing your father, it may not feel like it will ever get better, but believe me from personal does. It's going to hurt for a while, but it does eventually get better.
    darkviruz and AndreyKamensky like this.
  16. ZelesteBeauty

    ZelesteBeauty Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Sorry I haven't been around much...october season is busy for me, also I live in Vegas and it's been a rough few days here with us getting attacked on the strip by a domestic terrorist which was really scary. Im ready for 2017 to be over.
  17. Nadja

    Nadja Active Member

    Aug 1, 2017
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    I hope you're doing fine!
  18. ZelesteBeauty

    ZelesteBeauty Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Thanks. I am okay physically but mentally I am taking it day by day...2017 has been a brutal year for me.
  19. TobinOverflowsBest

    TobinOverflowsBest MY NAME IS MATT LPA VIP

    Jan 26, 2014
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    So it's been, what, almost three months now? Time has flown by so quick but so slow at the same time.

    The main problem I have is that this situation still makes me so upset and depressed every time I think about it. The worst part is that the feelings are pretty much self inflicted and it's almost a vicious cycle. Music is such a huge part of my life and Linkin Park is and always will be my favourite band of all time so naturally they are the go-to band. Unfortunately listening to the majority of LP songs reminds me that Chester isn't here anymore and it's still so heart breaking.

    It's so so so frustrating because I know it shouldn't make me feel down anymore. I'm usually really good at getting up and moving on with things, but once I see a LP song on youtube or a Chester related thing pop up on Facebook, it instantly just deflates me and it takes me so long to snap out of it but it's just so avoidable :(

    "I keep dragging around what's bringing me down, if I just let go I'd be set free"
  20. insanefanboy

    insanefanboy RIP Chester Bennington

    Apr 15, 2011
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    Still doesn't feel real.
    Nearly 3 months, crap!
    Doridorica likes this.

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