Chester Bennington Confirms Joining Stone Temple Pilots as Lead Singer, Possible New Album & Tour

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, May 19, 2013.

  1. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    STP: COME TO BRASIL! :come2brazil:
  2. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    I don't even know what to say to some of the comments in this thread.
  3. wolflink

    wolflink I feel very privileged in debt for my thirst

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Maybe i overreacted.
    But i said since my first post its the way im feeling i dont want to troll anyone.

    My last complain: Imagine, in theory Lp could launch 10 albums in its life cycle.
    what if ? due to this movement they only launch 8 albums.

    We lost 24 LP songs.
    But we won 24 STP songs yyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (sarcasm)
  4. insanefanboy

    insanefanboy RIP Chester Bennington

    Apr 15, 2011
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    Mega mega late I know, but I'm REALLY worried about this whole STP thing. I REALLY hope it's just going to be like Dead By Sunrise, a side-project all the way. My messed up mind is thinking of all these bad things that could happen to LP now. I hope Chester doesn't wreck his voice, or not 100% focus on the new LP album.

    I know Chester has always been a fan of STP and likely jumped at the chance to be the lead singer, but the selfish part of me can't help thinking/worrying, that the next and future Linkin Park albums are gonna be affected. I bet any money Linkin Park is gonna go on another long ass hiatus again even though there on a roll!!

    So basically SERIOUS PANIC mode here! Quick someone slap some sense in to me.
  5. wolflink

    wolflink I feel very privileged in debt for my thirst

    Jul 23, 2010
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    I can´t im feeling the same way you do.
  6. Avo

    Avo Don't Stop Running

    Jul 19, 2010
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    So much facepalm in this thread. It's ridiculous.
  7. NotEnoughYetTooMuch

    NotEnoughYetTooMuch Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    I think everyone got worried because it's extremely sudden and a little weird. It seems like something isn't adding up.
    Really STP fans are the ones who actually have a reason to worry.
  8. Andreina

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Read the rest of the thread if you want sense.

    This. Many of them are apart from worried, pretty angered about the announcement. Some do realize that maybe it was the best for the band since Scott was way too troublesome, but some of the most radical aren't happy with this at all, saying that Chester is overrated and that "LP sucks" (< yeah, real maturity here), and actually prefer for the line-up to go by a different name if they want to release an album.

    They are the ones who are on the roughest side of the thing, while actually Linkin Park has been left untouched and will keep going. I don't know why it's so hard to put that single statement into people's minds.

    Whether STP is a big thing for Chester or not, it's still a side project, so it shouldn't be ANY different from Dead By Sunrise, in terms of involvement (I'm not talking about music). Derek said it himself a few pages back, when Chester came back from DBS, they released A Thousand Suns. If that didn't interfere with LP's creative agenda, this doesn't have a reason to.
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  9. wolflink

    wolflink I feel very privileged in debt for my thirst

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Why not???
    is barcelona worried because they are about to hire Neymar.? or is Santos???? of course is Santos, they get the cash but they lost the talent.
    STP get one of the most impresive voices out there, meanwhile Lp is sharing that voice wich by the way is one of their Advantages as a band.
    Maybe Coca-cola needs to start sharing all its formulations with pepsi.
  10. Jeff

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    You are giving ridiculous scenarios to over the top things that will never happen, to something that doesn't even hold as much importance. Yes, Chester is pulling double duty on two of the biggest bands in the US, but that doesn't mean it has to affect the quality of either bands' music, and it definitely doesn't mean that people should show as much pessimism and anxiety as you have shown throughout the thread.
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  11. Andreina

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Your reasons are beyond stupid, sorry I have to say it.

    They're not even the same thing. Because in your "scenario", Neymar LEAVES Santos to join Barcelona. Which is NOT the case for LP and STP. And again, they're not even the same thing.

    You can try to have a point but stop being so ridiculous with your analogies. They're not even analogue to the topic in discussion.
  12. wolflink

    wolflink I feel very privileged in debt for my thirst

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Why not?, after all we are talking about a product (LP).
    Chester is part of a product, the logo, the music, the other band members.
    And to generate money that product needs to be atractive to the masses.
    Linkin Park is atractive to the masses because of.......yes you got the right answer because its components as a product.
    All im saying is that Linkin Park is sharing one of its key aspects as a product.
    Now how will affect that the other components especially The music. Only time will tell us.
    Why LP changed sr drastically after meteora, well the nu metal market was diying and it died.
    Mike started an "alternative project" Fort Minor back then, so chester Dead by Sunrise why?
    They know that if Minutes to midnight was a failure then they could abandone the ship and could continue those "side projects".
    Im not saying LP is going to dissapear but in some way this event will affetc the band as a whole.
  13. Jeff

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Where the hell are you getting your information? The side projects were formed so that Mike and Chester can release songs that didn't fit with Linkin Park's style of music.

    Here's a chill pill.

    Take two and call me in the morning.
  14. NotEnoughYetTooMuch

    NotEnoughYetTooMuch Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    They have other advantages as a band as well, I think they're the most unique band I know because they don't stay in a niche, if Chester sang for a few other bands it wouldn't change that, especially since certain vocal styles suit the sound of each band and he doesn't have all the say in any either.
    However, STP fans do have a reason to worry.
    What happened to them would be like having Mike kicked out without warning and a month later Eminem has become an official member.
    Whether you like Eminem or not, I think it would still feel kind of like having a rug ripped out from under your feet.
    With the way people have acted about this, LP fans would act like they've been hit by a plane.
    Some STP fans actually seem to be taking it well though. :/
  15. Andreina

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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  16. wolflink

    wolflink I feel very privileged in debt for my thirst

    Jul 23, 2010
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  17. Jeff

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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  18. NotEnoughYetTooMuch

    NotEnoughYetTooMuch Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    An interviewer asked about how DBS came about

    Chester: I was just playing one of the songs I wrote, then Ryan was like 'What was that!?' and I said it was just something I wrote and he said 'Well if you don't use that with Linkin Park use it somewhere else' and I said 'Okay, alright I will and here's an idea why don't you guys help me produce the album.

    So it wasn't planned in case MTM failed
  19. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Jesus Christ, I've had enough of the absolutely moronic paranoia that exists in this thread.

    Let me put it in all caps, pink font and pretty italics for the stupid: THIS IS NOT THE END OF LINKIN PARK. THE BAND IS NOT BREAKING UP, AND THEY ARE WORKING ON AN ALBUM AS WE SPEAK.

    Mike was just interviewed by FUSE a few weeks ago talking about new music being out by the end of the year. The band is holding a charity contest for fans to meet them in the studio this year. There will be new LP music likely on LPTV's by the time summer is done, and plus the band is working on music for The Mall soundtrack at the same time they're doing the new album. This means that not only are Linkin Park not in danger, they're fully alive and moving full speed ahead. The band members have shown support to Chester's 'side project' with STP on twitter, and there is no internal discord to be found anywhere. I really cannot get why people are so paranoid.

    I mean, Chester himself tweeted he'll never leave Linkin Park; and Stone Temple Pilots have said Linkin Park is Chester's top priority, and that Chester would never forget his commitments to Linkin Park. The only reason Chester is performing with STP, is because honestly...who would say no? Imagine waking up one day and getting a phone call from your favorite band since you were 13, asking you to front them for a tour and possibly an album? That's like winning the musical lottery and for anyone to expect Chester to say no to that needs to lay off the crack-cocaine.

    Linkin Park aren't in danger. A new album and new music will be out soon, and people like wolflink and a few others in this thread really need to stop being so paranoid and delusional. It's embarrassing as a Linkin Park fan, and people really need to grow up.

  20. Decay

    Decay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    I say: close it

    Sums this thread up pretty nicely.

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