Not necessarily IS he going bald, but. Why do you think Chester has adopted the shaven head look for the last couple of years and religiously stuck to it? I remember a time when chester would change his hair styles dramatically, as times gone on. He doesnt even let his hair grow out that much sticking to the short look. Which is rad I guess, its his thing. What do you guys think? He cutting his hair short to fight receeding hair, or just a profolic rockstar look?
Possibly. Maybe he's just got to a point where, because he has a family, it's probably more appealing for him to try and stay looking clean cut for when he's doing stuff with them.
I noticed in the dead by sunrise album booklet, you can see his hairline is receeding, makes him look more established and rugged I guess, but yeah, whether its a cosmetic asthetic or not, it looks rad. But yeah I guess there is a part of him that wants to look professional for him and his family. Cutting your hair short like that puts more focus and attention on your face.
He has said he is like OCD about his hair. He has the same routine. Let it grow out(he use to spike it but not anymore), put it in a mohak, shave his head, repeat.
Yeah true, like sticking to all the shaven hairstyles you can possibly put out? Thats choosing between 3 different styles. Mohawk. Sort shaven, Bald.
Why does it matter what Chester's hair is like Only kidding. I dont know why he has gone for a bald hair cut.
How did I miss this thread? I'm pretty sure he's just at the point where he doesn't want to look like Wayne Static just took a shit on his head. He's getting older, has a family, I'm sure his hair style isn't one of his number one priorities, haha.
It's probably a mix of what Joe said and also the fact that continuous re-coloring of your hair can do extreme damage to it. It's why Brad's hair was shaved the first like 7 years the band was together, because he basically wrecked it coloring it all the time when he was younger.
oh, i just got that, i feel so slow lol about balding... i really like Chester the way his hair is now.
WTF are you talking about? First of all, i find it creepy that a lot of fans fixate so much on the band members hair. Secondly, Chester has had that look for the better part of 6 years. He does the same 3 styles over and over again. Why it keeps surprising people that he sometimes shaves it and grows it out and shaves it again is beyond me. Are people not that observant or are just tunnel visioned? And who cares what Chester decides to do with his hair? It's his head.
Yeah haha. When your other styles are things like Travis Bickle mohawks and bleached spikes, having most of it shaved off is pretty clean cut by comparison. Stop telling people not to fixate on his hair when you seem to know more about the process he goes through with it
Chester knows that LP have to have aleast one bald member! I think Phi is balding thus the dye job! PS-Chester's daddy have hair, Brad's daddy's bald! *snickers*
I'm pretty sure it's just him growing up and realizing "hey, I'm in my 30s, and I'm in one of the most well-known bands in the world who doesn't have a signature image like Slipknot's fucking disturbing masks, so...yeah". I think their image in the HT era was real loose and it was highly reasonable of a new band that had just made it big, but especially by the time MTM came out, you can't really pull off the spiky red mohawk anymore. Or shouldn't.