Chester doesn't ever just "give up" (no song pun intended...) on anything, so for him to step down for STP (the band that had so much influence on him growing up) just shows how much he cares about it. If he had to step down then there is no doubt that this just simply wasn't going to work in any foreseeable future, or that the quality just wasn't going to be there. I'm sad for the STP fans, and for Chester as this had to be very sad/hard for him to do. But hey, at least he did get to play the part of lead singer in his favorite band, even for the relatively brief time that it was, nothing could take away from the time/experience that he did get.
I doubt this will happen, But just maybe this will give scott the push to really get his fuckin act together and get back to where he belongs. Its not stp without Scott. Its the same as if nirvana tried to go on without kurt. It just doesnt work.
As I said on my Facebook, this completely rewrites the future that I had envisioned for Linkin Park in my brain. I had always kind of felt in the back of my head that Chester joined STP to prepare for an eventuality that LP may one day call it quits, so that he can stay in music. I even thought personally that the band only had 1-2 albums left in them before they went on a hiatus. Not because of any inner drama or anything, but because they've been going strong for over 15 years now. I thought sooner or later they were just going to be worn out. This however now makes me feel otherwise. To see Chester putting this level of commitment into LP means that they band still has plenty of fire left in them after THP.
The right decision. But it sucks.. Especially that we will never hear the new album that they worked on.
Yeah, pretty much. But there was a ton of people who actually warmed up to Chester and liked him eventually. That was pretty nice.
I hope it also means we can expect June to once again be the month of album release. I like this every-two-years thing.
It's probable we'll hear the new album by early summer. The band has made it very clear a new record will be out in 2016. And with Chester now no longer with STP, it's a lot easier for Chester to focus all his creative energy into LP.
I don't. I hope they take a break for a while. Give themselves time. This might not be a bad time to reach out to Chester for an interview.
While I'm glad Chester now has more time to focus on LP, I'm pissed about the timing of all of this. I still wanted to see him live with STP and I never got the chance. Plus they've been talking up an album all this time, when in fact they knew Chester was leaving since at least August? What the fuck?
I find it to be more of a relief. I think that's just such a hard thing to pull off - it's impressive that he managed for as long as he did. I do find it frustrating that STP seemed to be able to tap into a different energy for Chester that I don't think finds itself in a whole lot of Linkin Park songs, but hopefully the extra time to commit to Linkin Park lends itself to some better music in the coming years.
"Oh, no problem, I was only gonna ask him everything about the new Linkin Park album." That's what they... ...nevermind.