cant believe how bad this album is

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Numb/Encore, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. #41

    Xodus112 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    This absolutely is the best album Linkin Park has ever come out imo of course, but also in terms of lyrics and diversity. So far this has been the only album I've ever listened to all the way through every time I've listened. I'm sure that will change eventually but so far it hasn't. I fully understand the joke Chester (or maybe Phoenix) made about turning a 47 minute MP3 to Warner.

    I also agree with the poster that said ATS is more "Linkin Park" than MTM and doesn't get people saying that NOW they don't sound like Linkin Park. I like MTM for the most part and it had two of my favorite LP songs (In Pieces, LOATR) but they didn't sound like the band I had imagined them developing into when I heard HT and Reanimation for the first time. ATS sounds like LP is back on track to becoming the band they seemed destined to be in July 2002. They're a shape-shifting genre-less outfit that seamlessly blends elements of rock, hip hop and electronica. Are they best at any of those particular genres? No, but they exist in a world all their own.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2010
  2. #42

    Shikshak Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2010
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    if you don't like the album it doesn't mean the album is bad
    i think is better and more mature than the last three albums
  3. #43

    Jawsome Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I think the album is actually less mature than minutes to midnight.
  4. #44

    Harlz More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me LPA Super Member

    May 26, 2006
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  5. #45

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Because of When They Come For Me? I can't see any other reason you'd think that.
  6. #46

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    I wonder if, for those who say this album is shit, if those same people could create better music themselves?

    Go ahead, I'll wait.

    ...or, if Linkin Park would have put out the same shit-fest Meteora was, or in other words, a Hybrid Theory Part 3, would you have complained that they weren't trying something different? Because I see a pattern here, and that's most LP fans don't know what they want from the band and, if asked, couldn't tell you without contradicting themselves. Old school LP fans who hate this album aren't musically inclined and their tastes suck and are one sided, which then makes everything irrelivant.
  7. #47

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    Oh come on. Meteora wasn't a 'shit-fest'. For what it lacked in the lyrical department, the album made up for it's unique and exciting instrumentals. Meteora was simplistic in it's cultivation, but I think that the band's main ambition at that point in time was to dabble in the same musical content not because they lacked any sense of creativity; instead, the band simply enjoyed doing so.

    If I had to lay out how I view the albums in the most straightforward manner:

    Hybrid Theory - The polished version of the roots of their musical passion
    Meteora - Taking their comfort level and expanding it to greater heights.
    Minutes to Midnight - Spinning into a new direction towards maturity. Expanding their lyrical Content.
    A Thousand Suns - Breaking barriers. Consciously ambitious and experimental.
  8. #48
    Rohit LP

    Rohit LP The Silent Red

    Jun 26, 2010
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    if there is anythin im disappointed in ATS is..lyrics(i expected better ones)..and a couple songs like (what i've done or LOATR)..

    mike has really impressed me..and also Rob...
    iridescent ..i feel is d best song ever..i dunno why...but it really helps a lot when ur depresssed....

    P.S.-cannot be compared to previous albums...but certainly...somethin i prefer ovr previous albums...
  9. #49

    Sharkstar New Member

    Oct 15, 2010
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    This. I couldn't have put it better.
  10. #50

    alittlelessordinary Member

    May 1, 2007
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    I for one agree with the OP, this album is terrible. In fact I will say that the last 2 albums LP has put out have been terrible. You wanna know the best LP song I have heard in the last 2-3 years....QWERTY. I have listened to this album over and over and over again and have only found 2 songs that I actually like "waiting for the end", and honestly I don't even know why I like that song. I think maybe its because compared to all the other songs on this album its the best. That might not be saying a whole lot in its self either. The other song is Wretches and Kings, it reminds me of old LP with some rapping and Chester belting a chorus out.

    Do you really consider "blackout" heavy? Its a piss poor attempt at being "heavy", its reminds me of a very watered down version of Faint.

    LP has always said they werent a band made up by executives, well its kinda hard to not believe they were. Think about this, they come in during the whole Nu-Metal era and live off that for a while. That trend fades out so they move on to softer more emo sound stuff which just so happens to be the new trendy thing. Mike always talks about how they want to transcend the music industry. What have they done exactly to make them trend setters instead of followers?

    Listen to the songs on this album and i'll tell you 3 bands who are calling wanting their styles back....Janes Addiction, U2 and NIN. I really think the problem lies in Rick Ruben as the producer. The guy is a great producer, just not a great producer for LP.

    Here's an idea Linkin Park, if you wanna be Rock Stars, maybe you should actually make rock music. Chester should grow balls and get his voice back, where is the screaming Chester? I can't stand the whining, emoish sounding Chester. LP's last 2 efforts remind me of when Metallica started to fade from the spotlight. They started making music "they wanted to make" and lost tons of fans. Yes they still have millions of fans, but when they tried to recapture what was their bread and butter, they failed terribly. Take the time to listen to St. Anger, that was Metallicas attempt of recapturing Ride The Lightning, And Justice For All....

    And to the fans saying this is their best album, please stop being a sheep. Your probablly the same type of kids who think Lil Wayne and Drake are the best thing in rap. People like you are what is making music terrible, youll settle for anything and call it great in an attempt to stand out. I saw someone post that old LP fans are musically inclined or lack diversity in musical taste, you could be nore further from the truth then your statement. I for one have a broad range of musical taste and have listened to everthing from 50's doowop to bands such as Mushroomhead and everything in between. I think you need to stop trying to give this album more credit then it really deserves. Have we really gotten that low in music that this is considered "epic" or is the word "epic" that much more of a joke and over used word?

    One more edit, if you'd like I'd be more then happy to give you my song for song breakdown of this album. I should warn you however, you will not like my observations. In fact I would go on a limb to say that I think a few songs on this album were left over songs/thoughts whatever from M2M...i.e Irredescent, sure sounds a lot like a song about a certain Hurricane
    Baaa Baaa sheep
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010
  11. #51

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    As much as I respect everyones opinions on the album, the fact that you have called anyone who likes A Thousand Suns, sheep, just made you look like a complete ass. It's not impossible to actually love this album, without being a "sheep".
  12. #52

    Somewhere1Belong New Member

    Oct 20, 2010
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    Makes no sense, how you compare Blackout to Faint but alright then lol. And question, what in LP songs are you looking for? Do you actually pay attention to the lyrics or how loud the songs are?

    They've done their own thing. The thing is if they had done Hybrid Theory III and Hybrid Theory IV, people would be complaining about them not changing, as much as they complain about them changing now. You can't keep everyone happy all the time so you must follow your own heart.

    Chester and the band have significantly matured over the past ten years. The same angst that trailed them writing Hybrid Theory and Meteora didn't necessarily stick around for MTM and ATS. Maybe Chester isn't screaming his lungs out because of his age, or maybe he feels a lot different about life now. "Remember all the sadness and frustration, and let it go, let it go" sounds quite a bit different from "everything you say to me puts me one step closer to the edge, and imma bout to break", imo, but you be the judge good sir.

    As much as your opinion is valid, the personal attack on the fans you don't even KNOW is completely unjust. Now you end up sounding no better than the people who pick on e.g. Justin Beiber because they've nothing to do. How does being a fan of this CD make us Wayne fans? I fail to see it...

    I am not so sure about that. I think LP has made quite a bit of changes since the Minutes to Midnight era. This album yes, is mostly Mike's baby, but the thing about LP is they are always changing. You don't define them, because if you tried they'd fill up more than one page on the dictionary. You can never quite predict their next work. Not even sure how Iridescent is about could be about anything, from huge natural disasters to more personal stress....
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010
  13. #53

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    What he said. Your style of music is heavy/metal/hard rock. Fair enough. But don't say what we can and can't like.
  14. #54

    Polychromatic Banned

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Did Somewhere1Belong just win this thread and argument? Yes, he/she just did. Game over, can't top that debunking.
  15. #55

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Let me go ahead and breakdown your post and make a rebuttal.
    Your main argument right here, is just that it sounds "terrible" You give no real reason why you think so, except for the the fact that it's not "old nu-metal Linkin Park"
    Right here you argue that Blackout isn't heavy at all, saying that it was just an attempt. The whole point of the song wasn't an attempt to make it heavy, but to make it chaotic, then have the chaos be relieved.

    There is something called changing a sound, ever hear of it? Because I certainly have. It's not that they are moving to something "trendy", they are maturing their sound, and not singing pity songs, which are what emo music REALLY is. Let me go ahead and remind you of certain lyrics from Meteora, which I am sure you cherish.

    I wanna heal, I wanna feel, like I'm close to something real. - Somewhere I Belong
    I've become so numb, I can't feel you there / Become so tired, so much more aware. - Numb

    Oh yeah, those lyrics must just be jeenyus right? :rolleyes:

    As the band has already said in the past, Rick is more of an advisor than an actual producer for their last record. So right here, if there would be a problem, and there's not, that "problem" would lie in Mike Shinoda, since he took on more producing duties than Rick.

    Now, this is where it gets into the "flaming the band" territory. I'm sorry that you are so butthurt that A Thousand Suns isn't Hybrid Theory Part Three, but saying shit like "Chester should grow balls" is rather disrespectful, and not to mention uncalled for. Chester has already stated that he doesn't want to scream anymore, because it effects his vocal performance live when he has to sing those songs.
    Ok first off with this section of your post, how the hell do you link up Lil Wank and Flake with Linkin Park? Last time I checked, I actually extremely enjoy A Thousand Suns, and I feel that Lil Wayne and Drake are a couple of the most overrated, pieces of shit rappers out there in the business.
    Again with the settling for anything. There are a large majority of people on this forum who love A Thousand Suns, who don't just go "OMG THIS NUUU STUFFZ IZ LYKE AMAZINGNEZZ" for just about anything mediocre. A lot of the people I see on here, happen to hate a lot of the newer mainstream bullshit that is out there, myself included, and just happen to actually enjoy A Thousand Suns a whole hell of a lot, because it does stand out from Linkin Park's other albums. The uniqueness topic has been discussed before on this forum, and I will bring it up here. There is NO WAY anything can be truly unique anymore. Every guitar riff, every beat, and just about every sound you can put in music has been used over and over again. If I recall, I actually hear a riff that sounds extremely similar to famous Queen riff in Wretches and Kings right after Mike raps, "Got everything out of control, now everybody go . . ." . Plus as Somewhere 1 Belong put it, your verbal attacking of fans you don't know about, is uncalled for.
    Talk is talk. You can say all you want to about how much music you have listened to, however, just because you have listened to all of that music, doesn't make anyones opinions about how much they really enjoy A Thousand Suns wrong, and as you have just said, you could be no more further from the truth.
    And while as I said before, I respect other peoples opinions on the album, good or bad, your unwarranted attacks, like "Baaa Baaa sheep" have made your opinion easily disrespected.
  16. #56

    Polychromatic Banned

    Jul 29, 2010
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    This kid is getting trashed! I can't agree more. And yeah I guess Chester lost his balls when wrote a beautiful song for his son growing up and going to high school. That was uncalled for. He gained balls in this album if anything.
  17. #57

    Abel Chester Bennington saved my life.

    Aug 26, 2010
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    K, so you only liked those 2 songs. That's no problem. Don't get butt--

    0.o piss-poor? I bet it wasn't even SUPPOSED to be heavy, if anything it's SUPPOSED to fit the grim atmosphere of the album.

    Don Gilmore controlled them. End of that argument.
    And secondly, how is it following a trend when it was clearly stated that Linkin Park wanted to do their own thing? I don't remember any "softer more emo sound stuff" (which btw is the correct term ALTERNATIVE ROCK.) being huge in 2007 like LP.

    1. Jane's Addiction has always been a band other bands get their influence from.
    2. Seriously, who HASN'T sounded like U2? Just like U2 sounded like another band from back then? Kid, every song sounds the same nowadays, it's just how they coordinate it that counts. Skillet made "Monster" which sounded like 3DG's "Animal I Have Become", but more upbeat and full of rage. And of course, that "monster" theme/sound has been used a LOT.
    3. NIN and LP are a match made in heaven according to my friends.
    4. Rick Rubin is a brilliant producer. He got LP to finally break out of the Gilmore-simple-lyric-same-sound curse that made them millions, but really didn't have any feeling. With MTM, LP took a first step. With ATS, LP went ALL OUT.

    Dude. Linkin Park has stated over and over and over and OVER and OVER AND OVER AND--ahem, and over again that they are NOT A ROCK BAND ANYMORE. They are Linkin Park. And now you're just being a downright nuisance. "Chester should grow balls and get his voice back"? Consider the fact that Chester's finally happy, with a beautiful wife and very lucky and loving kids. Consider the fact that Chester actually DID A Thousand Suns to everyone's delight/dismay. If anything, Chester still has balls. He doesn't want to be known throughout his life as a screamer, he wants to be known as an amazing SINGER.

    And A Thousand Suns = St. Anger? Really?

    1. I'm not a sheep, as I am also not a robot, I'm not a monkey [/endWTCFMreference]
    2. You lost me at Lil Wayne.
    3. ^Now that I'm relaxed from almost bursting into major anger over that statement, I can't believe you're so ignorant and stereotypical. What, just because we love ATS means we're mainstream whores who are making music today terrible? If anything, it's one-minded music "experts" like you who are making music terrible. Not every song has to be all about whatever you listen to.
    4. I fucking hate Lil Wayne with a passion. My favorite rapper is Lupe Fiasco. Look HIM up.

    1. The fact that you can't even spell Iridescent right just...ugh.
    2. How does Iridescent = ONLY Hurricane Katrina? There are many other people too who can very much relate to this song.
    3. MTM recycles. Hahahahaha that was so funny I forgot to laugh. Oh wait, you were being serious?
    4. I didn't know you were a sheep too! :eek:
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010
  18. #58

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    I'm actually trying to figure out where the hell you get any hurricane references in Iridescent to be honest. If anything, there's a reference to the atomic bomb "a burst of light that blinded every angel/As if the sky had blown the heavens into stars" but nowhere in the lyrics directly references Hurricane Katrina, or any other hurricane for that matter. The song is mainly a reference to those who are feeling down on their luck, feeling like there is nothing left for them, and then letting go of the pain that had binded them for so long.
  19. #59

    Henry Mochiagete, Tokihanashite.

    Aug 22, 2010
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    Well, you know.
    A Professional Hater/Anti-Fan will use lots of sources, references and examples for bashing, not speak up his mind and make is as a fact like something that the scientists has approved.

    And, one I thing I believe, it won't be easy to do what people want but you don't.
    For Examples: you like this hamburger (or whatever is your favorite food), but people don't want you to eat it because they think it is taste like shit. Will you eat it or let your favorite food go because of people's opinions? Or, you like a song, well, your most favorite song, you play it, people hate it, bash you, put some flame on you, create an unreal-fact that that song is super-awful, will you continue listening to it or turn it off?

    If you do whatever people want you to do, you are a sheep, no more or less, you don't have your own opinion, your own independent mind, you are just a puppet, not original, just like other people.

    This will make a country loses it own culture, language and art
    This will make the whole world as one.
    This will make any songs on the world sound the same.
    This will make any kind of things (table, desk, computer,...) don't have it own uniqueness, creativeness and appearance.

    Would you like to live in this world? Nothing difference from one another? Me? Sorry, never.
  20. #60

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I saw the wall of text and was eager to read an in-depth, intelligent deconstruction of why certain people don't like the album.

    Instead, I got wah wah wah wah we want Hybrid Theory back.

    Also, as a hardcore Jane's Addiction fan, I see NO semblance between ATS and anything Jane's has put out. Ever. So no.

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