Would anyone going to the Camden show that bought tickets for the pit mind sharing what the face value of the ticket is? I'm trying to gage just how much resellers are trying to rip me off haha By the way - is it acceptable to ask other forum members if they happen to have tickets for sale, or is buying/selling of tickets not welcome on this forum? I didn't see anything about it in the rules. Thanks =]
I'm pretty sure it was or was really close to $100... My pit ticket was like $115 total with processing fees, but I'm going to the Chicago show.
Wow, Pidgeon - that's pretty expensive, is that face value, or from a reseller? The price Hybrid listed was closer to what I was expecting given how much the tickets go for at reseller websites (close to double that =[ )
Yeah I found it through ticket hub. The only other site was sold out. Because its so late the tickets are going to be expensive.
Hey everyone, I have 2 extra GA tickets for the Camden show. If anyone is interested then please feel free to send me a message. Thanks =]
Hybrid you got your ticket at a great price. My ticket was about $175. I got mine from ticket hub, but buying the general admission ticket from ticket master was gonna be $180. I guess it was first come first serve cheaper.
Holy fucking shit, the highest I've gone this year is 450 for FF and that's 100 bucks now roughly, used to be less some months ago. This shit is fucked up man...
I have an extra seat section 102 (front center) row h, seat 7 if anyone is interested. I paid $111.10 with fees and shipping but will take $100.00. Got this because all the LPA presell pit tickets were gone and I didnt want to risk not getting a great seat. I paid the same as Hybrid for the pit tix at another presale....
Not sure if any offers available still but I have yet to buy tickets for this show. I am going to the Summit and just haven't gotten around to purchasing the tickets. Better late than never! Please message me if anybody still has some up for grabs, if not, I'll be on the lawn with the rest of my family!
If you want to go to a show but you don't have floor tickets yet, I'd say don't spend more than $150 if your going through another site to buy tickets. I looked at most of the shows and one show still had tickets for $175 for GA/good seats but than again I'm going to the Tacoma WA show (the cheapest show I think) and I only payed $80 so it really just depends on how much you want to spend and how much your willing to get ripped off haha.