Discussion in 'Your Projects' started by Omar, May 29, 2003.

  1. #1

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    <div align=center>[​IMG]

    EPISODE I / A NEW DOPE</div>

    The story of Tom Copper is that of a simple one, that is too complex..., but began a simple one. Tom Copper was 43 when he graduated from the academy's training program. By that time, all his parents, and his friend, sparky the dog, had passed on. He lived in a small one bedroom apartment on the 18th floor of 'Exquisite Shacks' a few blocks away from the station. Everyday he ate the same breakfast, Fruity Hoes, and wore the same clothes to work that he had washed the night before. But one day, Tom had been transferred to the Homicide Unit in order to investigate a murder that happened in the very same complex he was living in. Tom, a little nervous about the murder, meeting the head of the station, and of social interaction approached Mr. Tiny's front office door.
    As he opens the door, he catches the official on the floor trying to scribble in his outline as if it were a body placement. Mr. Tiny, noticing Tom, gets up, brushes off the dust from his jacket, and puts on his pants."Morning Copper" says Tiny, who as he now gets up can see is quite tall.

    "Good morning Inspector Tiny" belches the repugnant Tom.
    "Please, please Tom, call me dick " says the inspector, now sitting at his desk which is piled with reports and folders. "So, what can I do you for?"
    "Do me for Dick ?" says the confused police officer?
    "Don't mind if I do" chuckles the disguisted inspector. He grabs a tall bottle of alcohol from out of his desk and enjoys a sip...a long sip...a glup. Once he puts down the bottle though, his facial emotion changes, he seems tired and unfocused. "So, what the hell do you want?" splurs the druken official.
    "Well Dick , I want to know why you moved me to homicide for this case, sir."
    "Tom, people like you have gone up and down in this station, you deserve the opportunity at taking a hard job rather than always giving them to other officers."
    "But, I liked working up front, it keeps me outta trouble and keeps mommy happy that I'm safe" pleads Tom
    "God damn Tom! Don't you get it? That old bat flew the coop back to hell years ago. Your mother is dead!" yells the inspector
    "No Mr. Dick , she lives two floors below me, room #215" explains Tom Copper
    "That's the case I put you on to investigate!" screams Inspector Tiny. The Inspector leans over closer to Tom and begins to whisper. "Ya know, I put you on the homo side, because your rough, and we need men like you, men like us gotta stick together, stick together as close as we can" whispers Tiny. Suddenly Inspector Tiny's computer bleets "You've got porn!" as they both turn and face the computer screen curiously. "Well, Tom, I've got work to do, I'll leave you to your business now" as he turns around to the computer screen. Tom Copper slowly turns around and exits the room

    The day had been long, Tom had spent the entire day finding which keys open which jail doors, but in the process some of the inmates got away, others were sleeping. As Tom walked back to his room, he pondered if his mother had really died, still left in confusion, he made his way to room #215. Slowly he approched the room and took out his holding cell roll of keys. One by one he goes through each key, unable to open the door, then, by pure accident, tom leans against the door and opens it. With a light creak, the door opens and Tom walks in. Inside, smoke and steam fill throughout the room like an action movie set. Tom can barely see, but he knows his way around. As the smoke clears, he closes the door and continues to look through the apartment. There, he finds the answers to all of his questions...

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    Since we last left our not so heroic heroine, Tom Copper, Officer of Extraordinar, found his way through a smoke filled apartment which used to belong to his parents. Copper, investigating the reported death of his mother, enters the room quietly after pulling the fire alarm. With his pistol aimed and his clips safetly left back at the station, Tom was in full control of the situation at hand...or so he thought.
    As the smoke settles Tom makes his way to the bedroom from which he can faintly hear noise. "It's sounds so distinct, but so much a blur" exclaims Tom as he talks himself through the rooms. As he approaches the bedroom he finds his father in bed with....Inspector Tiny! Tiny, who is now startled to see Tom, quickly sleeps inside the cover. Tom still inept about the situation, proceeds closer towards the bed in order to pursue about his deceased mother. "Hey Dad, where's mom?" asks Tom.
    "Does it look like a could give a damn?" Tom's father phrases.
    "Well, where is she now?" questions Copper towards his father
    "I dont know! I kicked her out years back when she was having that affair" yells Tom's father
    "Affair with who Dad?" asks Tom
    "With that damn dog! If I ever see Sparky roaming around these here parts I'm going to turn him into my female dog!". Quietly from under the covers a voice whispers " I though I was your female dog?" and the father answers back "No!...your my weiner dog" says the father and both giggle together like little school girls. From under the covers, Inspector Tiny gets out, now fully clothed and with a bra on his head walks out and stops at Tom.
    "If any of this gets out to the station, you can kiss your job goodbye, you understand me Tom?" says the now strick Inspector.
    "I'd wish you'd kiss my job" whispers the father, now braless and holding his man breasts. Together, the couple giggle again and the Inspector walks out of the apartment leaving some quality father son time. Tom, walks over to his father and sits down on the nearest chair. His dad grabs his robes and by chance happens to flash himself out the balcony window. He walks over and sits in the chair next to Tom. "So, why you even looking for that less than diseased rat of yours mother?" belches Tom's father
    "Dick told me that someone had killed her, and I'm going to find out who" pronouces Tom.
    "Dick?...oh you mean Sourpuss? Yea, he told me about it just today. All I can say to ya Tommy is that....." Tom's father pauses and grabs a tissue and holds it over his face. "Someone up their really like me!" joyfully shouts the father as he begins to cough into the tissue. "You know, to be honest with ya, I think Sparky sent her out, she was fighting with him one night saying how Bush was the best president we ever had, and how Monica Lewinsky thought Clinton was the best president she ever had. Anywho, she stopped feeding Sparky after that and he ran away one day. And after that, she went out looking and never came back...and the hell she ain't cause she knows I'm the man of the house, not some dog with testacles big enough to please a whale." explains the father
    "And where is Sparky now?" Tom Copper asks his father.
    "Last I heard he went down to the SPCA, became a pimp, a supplier, he's part of the Bahas, a gangster team of dogs who plan to rule the world once they get rid of humans and get 'Who Let The Dogs Out?' off Billboard's Top 100 Most Hated Songs " slowly explains the father

    Tom Copper, now with a vengence and a pack of 'Snugger's Fit' given to him by his father, has spent the last few hours back at the police station searching through any known reports and files on the Bahas. During that time, Copper gets suspicious winks froms the Inspector, unsure of whether they are to seduce, or a harbinger of coming doom. Through these reports, Tom finds that the Bahas are connected to The Spaniard, a vicious Latino crime mafioso boss with an distinguishable addiction for the artist currently known as Prince. Now that the Spaniard seems involved, Copper knows just where to look...Pleasure Plaza, a gathering of organized crime, cheap woman and fast cars, or the other way around; whichever you prefer.
    As the police car, also known as the elegant Ford Crown Victoria pulls through the street, Tom sees an array of people like Michael Jackson holding a sign saying "It's Ok To Bring Your Kids Here, I'll Babysit", Christina Aguilera holding a sign saying "The Best Prostitute Moulin Rouge Has Ever Seen" and Uday Hussein holding one saying "Why make the son of a already corrupt leader president? You Guys Did It" as he passes through the decrepid area. He stops the car, exits and enters into a large enclosed factory and pulls out his pistol and screams "Nobody Move!"...he only finds a small entry way and another door, now guarding by some sort of encrypted key system. After attempts at debugging, Copper persists to knock until someone opens the door
    "Can I help you?" whispers the low key voice.
    "This is officer Copper and I'm here to see the Spaniard" exclaims Tom
    "Come on in" says the voice, who now opens the door. We can see that the person was in fact The Spaniard, a tall and thin latino who much resembles the artist currently known as Prince. "What is the trouble officer?" says the Spaniard who we can now see has photos and posters of Prince and Purple Rain posted throughout the abandonded warehouse.
    "Where's Sparky and the Bahas? questions Tom.
    "Bahas? Well, I don't know what your talkin about Willis" exclaims the purple wearing Spaniard. "But, for one thing, I know that he's here!" yells the Spaniard.
    "He's here? Sparky's Here!?" again asks Tom.
    "Mmmmhmmm" pronounces The Spaniard, "He's here!" he yells even louder. Suddenly, the lights shine on and the door is busted open. Through it, hundreds of officers walk in and have their guns aimed right at the two. Neither put their hands up though....then, Inspector Tiny walks in and moves closer to Tom. He pulls out a pair of handcuffs and attached them to Tom Copper.
    "Tom Copper, you are under arrest for premeditated murder of your mother, Lady Copper" explains the Inspector as he begins to walk Tom out of the warehouse. Tom, still confused is reluctant to go, until a guard smashes his head in with an assault rifle. The pack of police leave and now have Tom behind bars.

    What will Tom Copper do now? How will he escape and prove his innocence before he's put on trial? Was The Spaniard in on it? Was his father in on it? Was Sparky and the Bahas in on it? Find out in the third enstallment of "The Adventures of Tom Copper!"

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    It had been awhile and things had changed since Tom Copper was on the prowl. He was tried for murder and convicted because of a taped recording which claim he had in fact killed his mother. Because of this, tom was sentenced to 4 years in maximum security at Sing Sang Prison. But before being fed to the inmates, Copper was placed in a cryogenically frozen case in Carbonite and left in cell 21A for the entirity of the sentence...or so they thought. Few officers on the squad believed that he had in fact been guilty of the crime he had committed although none were willing to stick their necks on the line to prove it. So, with a year now gone by, Copper is slowly deteriorating in his holding case, with no one to save him
    Midnight, a single guard breezes through the cells making sure the inmates are still secured. Holding some exotic magazines he rushes off back to his secluded desk to enjoy them. But, from the other side of the row, a masked figure lurkes in the shadows. It slowly gets closer moving from cell to cell until it stops under a dimly lit light. Richard Nixon? Oh wait, right, that's just a mask. The figure slowly makes it's way to cell 21A and checks for guard. The figure leans in on the bars and pulls out a can of 'Removal' claiming to eliminate anything in the way. The figure sprays it once through the bars. "Maybe I should have used this on the guard's little bar" the figure exclaims. The figure bends the edges of the broken bars and slides into the cell. From their, we can see a gigantic switch which says 'CARBONITE ON / OFF'. The figure pulls the switch down and watches as the carbonite slowly melts and tom is brought back to life. The figure looks down at Tom. "Whoa, you should be more popular with the ladies". Tom awakens, distraught and feeble the figure lends him his clothes. He looks up

    "Who are you?" questions Copper. The figure pulls off the mask and is revealed as a striking young blond with blue eyes, also known as Officer Exy. "Oh. thank God you've come Officer Exy, I thought I was going to die.
    "Hey, after I saw your bits and pieces I thought I was going to die" she says. "C'mon, we don't have much time, the guard will be back in roughly 29 seconds" she exlaims
    "Are you sure?" asks Tom
    "Most likely, unless he actually gets past the cover, then we've got to hurry" she tells Copper.
    "Stop right there!" yells at them from behind. Tom, whose facing the direction of the bars can see the guard holding his pistol, and I'm talking about the metal one.
    "Guess you were wrong Exy, he must have got inside the book" says Tom
    "As a matter of fact I did, got all the way to the contents page" explains the guard
    "Isn't that just words and numbers?" asks Copper
    "Shut up! Say goodbye Copper, cause your numbers up" says the guard. Quickly, Exy turns around and blasts his area with extra strong 'Removal'. The guard lets out a hidious scream that wakes the other inmates. Exy and Tom rush out of the prison. As the inmates see the two escape, they begin to talk to each other. "I guess this means no more toss salad" says one inmate. "He told me I was the one!" cries another. They both begin to cry and hug each other in unison as Tom and Exy escape out the back door next to the immensly large sign which reads "PLEASE INMATES, DO NOT LEAVE THE PREMISES".

    Morning has come and we find Tom sleeping in Exy's apartment. He's a wanted man know so there's not much he can do. Exy walks into the room and gives Tom some coffee as she sits down next to him.
    "So,...you really think Tiny is after you?" asks Exy.
    "He was the one who arrested me and he was the one who said something about kissing him goodbye" says Tom
    "Kissing him? Wait, how did the police know you were visiting the Spaniard?" questions Exy
    "I'm not sure...I don't think I mentioned it to anyone, not even my mother" says Copper
    "Perhaps you had better pay another visit with the Spaniard" tells Exy

    Exy and Copper walk into the same warehouse to find the Spaniard making out with his life sized pin up poster of Prince. Surprised, he rubs off the lipstick and puts his clothes on.
    "Too bad yours isn't life sized ay Spaniard" says Exy.
    "What are you joking? You could hang wet towels on mine" exclaims the Spaniard in his accent
    "Yea, miniature towels" Exy says as she moves closer to the Spaniard and as he backs away
    "Hey, you know I don't swing that way" prompts the Spaniard
    "Maybe it's because you have nothing to swing" Exy says as she moves in closer. The Spaniard is getting nervous and is backed into a wall. We can see his sweat piling down his face.
    "Hey hey hey, I'm number one in the Guiness book of records you know" the Spaniard proclaims
    "For what?" Exy says getting louder
    "Eh...eh, for the most Purple Rain memorobilia" admits the Spaniard
    "Now, unless you want this secret getting out, your going to tell me who hired you!" shouts Tom angrily
    "Kiss my ass Copper" murmers the Spaniard
    "I will after you tell me!" yells Tom
    "Tom, Tom, we already know it's Tiny" whispers Exy. A brief pause is given.
    "Oh, right, I forgot that part" laughs Copper
    "I'll expose you if you don't admit Tiny hired you!" Shouts Exy
    "Never! and besides, I don't mind exposing myself" giggles the Spaniard. Exy pulls out a .44 Caliber and points at the Spaniard's pin up poster.
    "Make your choice, I don't want to have to hurt Prince, but I'll do it!" tells Exy
    "Ok! Ok!, ok! Yes, Tiny hired me to set this whole thing up and make it look like you killed your mother! Please don't hurt my Prince!" cries the Spaniard
    "Good job Tom, we got our first witness for the trial, all we need is another and a way to get back at Tiny" says Exy
    "I think I know who can help us" says Copper. "But, it won't be easy to get this person on our side"
    "Who?" asks Exy. Another brief pause is given
    "My father!". Yet another brief pause is given
    "Hey, Copper, you said you'd kiss my ass, come on now, a deal's a deal" says the Spaniard. Tom grabs Exy's pistol, aims and fires at Prince. The shot is deafening to the Spaniard's ears.
    "Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!" he cries until his eyes can cry no more because of prosthetics.
    "Now, why'd you do that?" asks Exy
    "Practice" Tom says
    "Practice?, for what?" asks Exy again. Yet, a final brief pause is given.
    "Practice for Tiny!"

    <div align=center>EPISODE IV / THE PHANTOM MARTHA</div>
    "Dad, please I need you to do this"
    "NO, I WILL NOT testicle against my sourpuss"
    "It's testify!" Tom has made his way back to his father's apartment. He's determined to get his father to testicle, I mean testify against Inspector Tiny. He's also determined to get his testify, I mean testicle into Exy if he can...I mean, that thing is huge, NASA could use it to retrive lost ships in space. But for now let's ####us, I mean focus on the task at hand...
    "Tom, what did I tell your mother the day we met?" says Tom's father
    "That you knew she was the one you loved?" says Tom
    "No, I told her I was already seeing someone else". Tom is startled to hear this, he stands up and backs away
    "Dad, who?" questions Tom. A brief pause is given
    "Her name was-"

    "Stewart, Martha Stewart" says the 61 year old fraud. We find ourselves inside Tiny's dark and and somewhat creepy office. The shades are down, the music and candles are on and Martha's new Spring Collection is now available at 15% off KMART.COM "Your only store for everything". She's slanted on top of Tiny's desk, knocking off stationary as she finds them unsuitable. She pulls her legs up to give Tiny a taste.
    "Martha, I need you to do something" whispers Tiny
    "God damn Ricard!, can't you just call it sex?" she says angered
    "No, I'm not talking about that I'm already seeing someone, but I need you to kill him off"
    "HIM!?...who?" she says even louder, her skin has started to peel off, we can see the robotics inside like from Terminator 2
    "His name is-"

    "Johnson, Private Johnson I told her, and back then your mother was still skinny and looking better than ever." Says Tom's father who is now revealed as Private Johnson
    "So that's how you two met" says Tom. His father nods in agreement. "So dad, how was I born?" Another brief pause is given as we flash back to a younger, but still drunken father drinking Penzoil from his backseat while enjoying the company of Tom's soon to be mother hidden behind his father.
    "This stuffs better than viagra baby! It cleans both pipes better than I ever could!" We flash back, thank God.

    "So, I need you to get rid of him before he takes the stand against me" says Tiny as we have appeared back in his office. Martha is taping back her skin and masking some with black and red markers, she's faced away from Tiny.
    "And what's in it for me?" questions Stewart
    "I'll contact the feds to take you outta this whole ImClone mess...deal?" proclaims Tiny. Again, you guessed it, a brief pause is given
    "Deal" and as Martha turns around to face Tiny we can see she's disguised herself as Darth Maul, now in a black cloak she has made within the past 8 minutes and put out into distribution.

    Tom closes the door from his father's apartment, Exy is waiting right outside the door, she's dressed in a stunning ensemble, although some may wonder if there's pieces missing, but for the others, WHO CARES!?
    "So, what happened?" asks Exy
    "He said he's willing to confess" Tom says although seeming a bit down
    "Why so gloom Tom?" agains asks Ext
    "It's just, my mom and dad were so happy together. I can't believe she's gone. I must find who killed her."
    "We will Tom, don't worry we will" says Exy reassuring. Suddenly, out of nowhere comes a cleaning maid. We can barely see her through all the sheets and utensils she has in the way.
    "Is this Private Johnson's room?" says the maid
    "Yes it is" tells Tom as he begins to walk out with Exy, although before hitting the hall he turns back around...the maid has a gun, and she's going into Tom's father's room! Tom rushes back into the room. He finds Martha Stewart, pointing a gun at his sleeping father, but before she can fire Tom jumps onto her and tackles her down. The two continue to fight, trying to point the gun in the opposite way, until after a few minutes, Tom realizes he has his own, pulls it out, and forces Martha to stop. The two stand up. Son meets mistress meets druken father. Martha points her silver handgun against Tom's glock. The two are motionless.
    "I don't think you want to do that" says Martha
    "I think I do, you ruined my family!" screams Tom, he's angry, and inept men don't usually get this angry
    "Well, I don't think you want to hurt me now do you?"
    "Yes I do!" the two begin to move clockwise toting their pistols around until the the following phrase is uttered
    "You really want to hurt the one who brought you into this world" exclaims Martha
    "You didn't bring me into this world!" yells Tom
    "Search your feelings, you know this to be true" tells Martha. Another unforgetable pause is given. "Luke, I mean Tom, I AM your mother" reveals Martha
    "No...No...NO, Dad, this can't be true" says Tom, but it's too late, his father has passed out for the day. Tom moves in quickly and Martha blast the trigger against Tom's hand, it's gone as is the pistol. We flash back to the flashback, the druken Johnson tips over onto the the floor of the car, the woman gets up, it's a younger, but still horrifying Martha.
    "Damn, I knew I should have brought more than one bullet, stupid disposible pistols" Martha says. Quickly, she jumps out the window and flys away on a broom, which you too can purchase at KMART.com at 15% off, who would have thought?
    Tom leaves the apartment again, and yet again finds Exy outside
    "Why didn't you help me?" asks Tom
    "You need the practice" she explains
    "Practice, practice for what?" asks Tom
    "Practice for Tiny!"

    <div align=center> EPISODE V / ATTACK OF THE OFFICERS</div>
    It's late in Mudrock City. Through the skyscrapers peers a fast moving figure, a person. A person, riding on a broom. We can hear a distinct laugh. We know that laugh. Martha Stewart rides off into the moonlight, perhaps never to reveal herself again? Of perhaps I'm tucking her away for when I reach writer's block and a new episode is 2 weeks overdue. Meanwhile, below the clouds and scarlet dust, lies Inspector Tiny in the Mudrock City Police HQ. He's gathered a team of his best officers, everyone from Police Academy to Danner Glover from Lethal Weapon. He's determined not to let Tom and Exy get away...

    "Now listen up people, we got a tip from an anonymous spaniard that Tom and Exy had gone to visit Tom's father, Private Johnson. I sent my apprentice Darth Martha down their to finish the job, but as usual Martha used unprofessional skills and lost it all. We will not let them get out of this city alive. I want them dead within before sunrise, you have my permission to use any methods necessary." claims Tiny. He moves over to EMC, a short, nerdy adult with thick black glasses and a pocket calculator that doesn't fit into your pockets. "No disintegration" Tiny remarks.
    "Hey, c'mon Inspecta, I set the Calculator to stun, honest" explains the nerd.
    "I had hope so, because whoever brings them back to me will be handsomly rewarded, the others will be shot" pronounces Tiny
    "Question, what's the handsome reward?" asks Danny Glover
    "What else? A night on the town with yours truly" chuckles Tiny. "Now get moving!"

    Within minutes the reckless team is destroying everything in sight, within a few hours, the entire city will be reduced to smoldering rubble. Exy and Tom await by a nearby bank. They quietly sneak through the back ways of the city, making their way towards the station. There's not another soul in sight, and they believe no one is the wiser...

    "Hey Detetective Murtaugh, I'm picking something on the HotCal" squeals EMC
    "My name is Danny Glover! That's just a role I played, but what have you got?
    "Well, Sir, I've found to life forms moving towards the station, in fact their almost their by now" exclaims EMC. Glover takes the calculator and smashes into the ground. He goes at it with his feet until there's nothing left.
    "You wanna be dead Mel?" yells Glover
    "My names EMC sir" the geek says
    "Not anymore, c'mon, get in the car" screams Glover. EMC motions into the back. "You can sit in the front!" he yells
    "I don't want to, you hurt my calculator" weeps the geek. The car storms off into the streets, hunting it's prey...

    Soon, Exy and Tom reach the station, they reach the back door, it's dark. Exy shoots off the lock and opens the steel door. "Tom, you go ahead, I'll make sure nothing else gets inside the station"
    "Thanks" Tom says as he rushes in
    "Wait!" Exy exclaims. Tom quickly rushes back
    "What?". Exy leans over and smooches Tom on the lips. He'd never kissed a girl before. He was in shock as he turned back around and went inside. As Tom disappears into the backlot, a car pulls over onto the back, the headlights peering at Exy, she's blinded by them, left defenseless. Tom however, makes his way through the kitchen, after a well deserved snack and heads into the main office. He finds Tiny's office and peers through the blinds, he's asleep at his desk. The perfect attack for Tom, or perhaps for Tiny? Tom busts into the room and totes his gun right at the sleeping fool.
    "Don't you move you shitbag!" yells Tom. As he moves closer, the inspector flinches, and Tom reacts by shooting Tiny in the back. The blood pours out like an unstoppable waterfall of tears. Tom moves in and pulls Tiny over, but, it's not Tiny, it's his father!
    "...Dad?" Tom is now in an unstoppable waterfall of tears as he tries to help his father up, but his dad seems gone. He opens his eyes shortly, gasts a last breath and says
    "He killed your mother" blurts the father, gushing blood from all areas of his body. "Cae- Bel- killed your-" He's gone. Tom shuts his eyes and places his gun on the desk to pick up his father
    "Hands up Copper" says a voice from behind. Tom beckons backwards, it's Tiny holding a pistol with 2 armed officers. Tom backs away, he's out of options
    "So, you actually thought you'd make your way back to me?" Tiny laughs

    The lights shine closer towards Exy as Glover gets out holding a gun, EMC stays behind, he's a bit shy when it comes to woman.
    "Get, your hands up!" he screams, but as he steps forward a flying figure smashes down between them. Cloaked, but revealed is Martha Stewart! "Martha, what are you doing here?" asks Danny Glover
    "I'm introducing my new Goth Collection you ass, what do you think, I'm taking Exy to Tiny, so hand her over" claims Martha
    "The hell you are! Mel! Get your ass out here and gimme a hand" screams Glover, but EMC is too busy refragmenting the parts from his calculator and wiping away his tears. Glover turns back around, Exy is gone, as is Martha, he looks up, Martha has flown the coop with Exy alongside. "Arrrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh" screams Glover at the top of his lungs. "Damn you white boy!, Damn you" Glover gets closer to the squad car, points to EMC and fires. The bullet burns straight through the windshield and right through the newly recomposed calculator and into EMC.
    "Damn you Glover, I just put it back together-" he whispers as he faints to his death

    The two officers move in on Tom and begins beating them with their clubs, until instructed to stop by Tiny. As Tom is at his most vunerable, he backs to see his father, dead with a bottle of beer..wait, that's not alcohol. It's a bottle of new extra strong 'Removal'. Tom makes a dash for it, spins around and sprays Tiny and his guard dogs in the face. Their screams explode through the station, cracking the windows. Tom rushes back out, only to find a dead nerd and Danny Glover holding a magnum right at tom's head
    "Detetective Murtaugh? I thought you were only in movies" asks Tom curiously
    "My name is Danny Glover!!!" he pulls the trigger angrily, but to his dismay, it's empty... "Argh! Damn disposable guns!" he screams as Tom knocks him in the face
    "I'd ask for an autograph, but I'd go to Kinko's if i wanted somebody's ass on a piece of paper" Tom speaks as he gathers the remains of the calculator and rushes back around to the front of the station. He finds Martha Stewart holding a knife at Exy.
    "Well, if it isn't my son, Tommy" says Martha
    "Let her go" forces Tom, but all Martha does is laugh
    "If I'm going to be indicting for something, I might as well have done it right?" She slashes the knife through Exy's neck, she drops and Tom blasts Removal all over Stewart's face.
    "Ahh! The prosthetics are burning! Burning!" She covers her face in agony, but slowly pulls the skin off revealed a robotic machine. "This isn't over Copper!"
    "Yes it is, so is your contract with KMART, KMART.com and ImClone. You can go to hell!". Tom pulls out the calculator, yet again reconstructed.He presses a few keys as Martha begins to break down, her legs buckle and she tips off. Tom Copper rushes over to Officer Exy, who has been bleeding now for a few minutes. "Exy?...Exy?" Tom asks, but there's no answer. Tom pulls the calculator back out again. He sighs heavily and tears begin to pour down his eyes. A final brief pause is given as Tom presses a button onto the HotCal.

    "Here goes nothing"

    <div align=center>END OF SET 1</div>
  2. #2

    Jawknee Guest

    Oooh! The suspense!!! :D
  3. #3

    Derek LPAssociation.com Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
    Likes Received:

    "dic" *rolls over laughing* good work Omar! I just might do something like this.......that is if you don't mind.
  4. #4

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    well, I would like a consultant to work with on this, ya know, whats funny to me may not be funny to others. So if, you'd like to help me out with the story and the jokes, sure :D
  5. #5

    Dedicated LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Jan 18, 2003
    Likes Received:

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    It's a classic :lol:
  6. #6
    arT saveS

    arT saveS Y2K

    Dec 19, 2002
    Likes Received:

    Kinda weird, really comedic....I love it! :D

    Is there gonna be a 2nd chapter!?
  7. #7

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    yup. a new episode every week this summer, this is just a little practice for a drama screenplay I'm going to pen shortly lol, but trust me, this will only get funnier :lol:
  8. #8
    arT saveS

    arT saveS Y2K

    Dec 19, 2002
    Likes Received:

    lol. Sounds awesome!
  9. #9

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I updated it w/ ep 2 cuz I'm gonna be traveling to NY for the summer tomorrow and I don't know when I'll get to put it up, anwho, all episodes will be edited into the top post so no searching and I'll update the subtitle so you know when to check, thanks for reading :)
  10. #10

    Terry Yeah, but I wish you were my shadow. LPA Super Member

    May 27, 2003
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  11. #11

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    :) thanks, that means it's actually funny, well, i might post the third enstallment today, I think it's the funniest one yet...let me know if anyone is lingering around and would like it today :D
  12. #12

    Jawknee Guest

    (w00t) ...s Exy. :lol: :lol: :lol: Omar strikes again!
  13. #13

    Terry Yeah, but I wish you were my shadow. LPA Super Member

    May 27, 2003
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  14. #14

    Derek LPAssociation.com Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    *Makes crosses with my fingers* *Hisses*.

    Back you evil monster, you vile creature!
  15. #15

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Just curious here, does anybody want me to stop at the 5th episode or continue for as long as i can keep it going?

    plot choices...
  16. #16

    Jawknee Guest

    Go as long as you can, Omar. Seriously, I'd love to see this be an entire summer long thing, but you know - I can understand if you're not capable. :shifty:
  17. #17

    Terry Yeah, but I wish you were my shadow. LPA Super Member

    May 27, 2003
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  18. #18

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    don't worry I may not be as 'cappable' as Tom might be, but this next episode is sure to be a set off for the final episode of the first set.

    Perhaps I should explain what I'm going to do:
    I'm going to write this ongoing series in sets, hopefully each will contain 5, after each set, gimme some time as I will try to devise a whole nother set and take a little break

    Basically, I guess you could think of it as Seasons lol, and since it's too strenous to do pics for episode, I'm going to re-do all the pics and make em just one per set.

    I'm also thinking of making the next set a bit dark and dramatic...we shall see if includes many jokes
  19. #19

    Derek LPAssociation.com Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Of course Omar is capable, especially if he keeps up with these hilarious sexual innuendos.
  20. #20

    Jawknee Guest

    I know; it's called reverse-psychology. ;)

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