Guess so. I clarify things my own way. Fight me. On another note, I fucking love this song. But if you're going to put out the song an entire month before release, don't interrupt the damn song with some pointless shit in the bridge.
Gibs, get out of this thread. Anyways, song was unexpected, not sure what I think of it at the moment.
The song's biggest fault its memorability. When listening to it, it's enjoyable, but if I'm just walking around, trying to recall the melody or the guitar riff, I can't, because it's extremely unmemorable and generic (almost sounds like My Chemical Romance). If a song is great, it doesn't lack that quality. That said, I'm willing to give this new album a chance.
I enjoyed Bring me the Horizon for a time myself but I agree with the idea that they kind of sounded like every other band metalcore band out there. However, if their willing to change up their style, I am willing to stay for the ride. The song wasn't amazing, I thought it would be better based on snippet. No major memorable parts but I still enjoyed.
Motherfucker it's been two days and I had something to say. At least I don't double post with the last album I listened to. #Burn