I just got back from school where we had our second bomb threat for the year. 2 in one year. Before this we have never had one. They piss me off beyond belief. Honestly, what is happening to our country if people feel they have to create a bomb scare to get attention, or revenge. Its not cool or funny.
Someone probably wanted to make a (lame and VERY stupid) April Fools Day joke. Sometimes people are so insane, I swear.
I've had a lot of bomb threats at my high school and my middle school. Its pointless and it makes so angry its really not funny. now security is tighter and we can't leave the classes at all duting class.
I suggest you all skip school on 4/20. Its Adolf Hitler's birthday and someshit is bound to happen. Plus you can skip and get high
I agree with .in.the.shadows. It was probably an April Fool's joke. A poor one at that. Just look on the bright side: At least it wasn't real.
I agree with .in.the.shadows. It was probably an April Fool's joke. A poor one at that. Just look on the bright side: At least it wasn't real. [/b][/quote] yea, i agree about aprils fools, but i still dont understand. How can you be that dumb? They think the police are just gonna brush it off their shoulders? Its not amusing to have those kinds of charges pressed against you.
We had a bomb threat at my school when i was still in high school. The dumbasses actually used a phone inside the school to do it.
There are just some people out there who do the stupidest things for their own pleasure or for attention. Bomb threats are becoming awfully common these days. So common that it's disturbing. I hate it.
We have another high school right next to our high school and they always get bomb threats, but we never do. Crazy stuff. They're always evacuated and put in our school.
We only had one bomb threat at my school,some dumbass sent a instant message to one of the teacher's computers saying "You're computer will explode in 30 seconds".
If you'r going to try to avoid dates of past tragedies, then your going to miss a lot of days. You might as well skip December 12d, 2005 because its 12/3.... 1.... 2 ....3! I bet she believed it was going to happen too lol
that type of shit pisses me off.. i have to restrain myself from going off on this topic.. ive been in school when dumb shits make bomb threats. it pisses me off.
We had one a couple of years ago. Stupid principal and vice principal did nothing to evacuate the school - they went looking for it too. Like.. duh. "Let's check this locker to see if...." *BOOM*
I've never had a bomb threat at school, but some other things have happened. Some kids almost burned the school down with matches, a couple of 3rd graders were caught smoking marijuana in the bathroom, a girl knifed another girl in the bathroom (That one's a rumor), a couple kids got a hold of their parents' guns and brought them to school, someone was stabbed, a friend of mine set of a M-80 in the quad area, and most recently, someone held a pair of scissors to a teacher's throat. And I'm still alive.