Music blackout. - The Reflections

Discussion in 'Your Projects' started by blackout., Nov 28, 2014.

  1. #1

    blackout. Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2012
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    I will not deny that this album is one of the biggest projects that ever I undertook. Despite the fact that several times I doubted the success of its, finally I'm able to release this disc. One and a half year of work mercilessly gave me to understand that bringing this project to completion is really difficult. If I were to talk about everything that I met at that time, I probably would lack most of the synonyms of words. The main task I had to do with the creation of this album, was to find vocalists. And to be honest - it wasn't easy. I had to be adamant and still searching and searching again... As you can see - there were a few people that have pushed this project forward. And at this point I would like to thank them. Fylyp, Marcin, Nook, dr.dx, Black-Striped Prism - in part thanks to you I can now publish this album. However, I want to thank Nook double, because in addition to vocal presence, he supported me all this time and gave some really valuable advices. And of course thanks to those who don't necessarily stand behind the music located on The Reflections - _R9 for the wonderful graphic design and my friend - Jacob, who has done an excellent job with the video for Broken. What can I say more... I hope that you will like this album, and you'll have a nice time listening to it.I will not deny that this album is one of the biggest projects that ever I undertook. Despite the fact that several times I doubted the success of its, finally I'm able to release this disc. One and a half year of work mercilessly gave me to understand that bringing this project to completion is really difficult. If I were to talk about everything that I met at that time, I probably would lack most of the synonyms of words. The main task I had to do with the creation of this album, was to find vocalists. And to be honest - it wasn't easy. I had to be adamant and still searching and searching again... As you can see - there were a few people that have pushed this project forward. And at this point I would like to thank them. Fylyp, Marcin, Nook, dr.dx, Black-Striped Prism - in part thanks to you I can now publish this album. However, I want to thank Nook double, because in addition to vocal presence, he supported me all this time and gave some really valuable advices. And of course thanks to those who don't necessarily stand behind the music located on The Reflections - _R9 for the wonderful graphic design and my friend - Jacob, who has done an excellent job with the video for Broken. What can I say more... I hope that you will like this album, and you'll have a nice time listening to it.

    Cover made by _R9

    01 WHEN IT RAINS (feat. dr.dx)
    02 BROKEN (feat. Fylyp from GRIP/Aldehyd)
    04 WAKE ME NOW (feat. Marcin Kucharski)
    05 AS A BURNING SKY (feat. Fylyp from GRIP/Aldehyd)
    06 MY GAME (feat. Marcin Kucharski)
    08 I'M ALONE (feat. Marcin Kucharski)
    09 LIKE A SHADOW (feat. Black-Striped Prism)
    10 THE TRAP
    11 1000x (feat. Nook)

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    Last edited: Nov 28, 2014
  2. #2

    LeMooree Active Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    There is a lot of good stuff. Deserves much more views/listens, especially When It Rains. This track would fit on THP without any problem. Hell, this track is better than 3/4 of THP.
  3. #3

    blackout. Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Thank you very much! :) I'm very glad that you like it. When It Rains is an important song for me. This is probably my most polished track I've ever done and the first in which I sing. I appreciate that you like this piece.

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