Billboard Top 200 Albums Minutes To Midnight - #59 (Last week - #52) Billboard Modern Rock Tracks Bleed It Out - #5 (Last week - #5) Shadow of the Day - #9 (Last week - #10) Billboard Mainstream Rock Tracks Bleed It Out - #13 (Last week - #12) Things are still looking bleak for Minutes To Midnight and "Bleed It Out" this week. M2M fell seven spots to #59 on the Billboard Top 200, while BIO stayed at #5 on the Modern Rock charts and fell one spot to #13 on the Mainstream Charts. The one beacon of hope was "Shadow of the Day", which continued its snail-like climb up the Modern Rock charts with a one-spot jump to #9.
valentine's day i think would do worse. it's time for a heavier song like no more sorrow. followed by either loatr/or in pieces.
I would've substituted In Pieces for Shadow, and finished with No More Sorrow and Leave Out All The Rest. =/
Eh, it'll make its way up there. As long as it holds onto that #1 spot that we're looking for for a few weeks.
Shadow of the Day is actually flying up the billboard 100 (just outside the top 50 at #54) and pop 100 charts (jumped from 49 to #35). It is not that much of a rock song it is expected not to do that great on those charts. However, No More Sorrow and Given up would both do great on the rock charts. I see one of those being the next single. Then Leave Out All the Rest, followed by 1 or 2 more singles.
On the album front: 16 albums debuted last week, and one album jumped back into the top-50 due to heavy Black Friday promotion. Next week only 4 or so albums debut, so if MTM moves up, that'll be the reason. MtM went up in sales again, but I don't know by how much since their numbers aren't out yet. Based on what the #60 album sold, they're up by at least 8%. They would have sold more if they'd performed on TV last week like just about every musical act with a CD out did, but they couldn't since they were touring overseas. On the radio front: SOTD is moving at a snail's pace compared to their other singles, but it should move up a few slots on next week's chart--it's currently #6 on the mediabase Alternative chart and just entered the top-20 on Active Rock. It's going to out-perform BIO on the hot-100 (which peaked at #52) since it's getting airplay on Pop and HotAC as well. There's a reason that most articles and blurbs, even those reported by people who don't care for LP, are referring to MTM as a huge hit. They realize that they can't measure the CD's success against LP's previous releases, but rather by what the music industry is today. And today, most new releases from previously multi-platinum artists fall out of the top-200 with under 2 million in sales. LP will be crossing the 2 million mark in a few weeks, making them one of the very few exceptions.
I don't have access to anything other than what's on the website, since I don't have a paying subscription to, so if you or elybe were to keep me in the loop for stuff like the 20-40 spots on the Modern/Mainstream charts or the 50-100 spots on the Hot 100, it'd be appreciated.
If you go to the Pulse Music Boards (type that exact phrase into Google), the full Billboard top-200 chart (including sales numbers) is posted in the General Music News section almost every week. This past week's hasn't leaked yet. There are also links to pretty much any sales figures you can think of (digital, world-wide, etc). There are also sections on those boards for every radio format, so if you go into the Alternative/Rock section for instance, they provide links to the mediabase charts near the top of the page. On those charts, you can see what position a song like SOTD is in on a given format and how many times that song has been played that week. The mediabase charts usually approximate the Billboard singles charts pretty closely, but not exactly. Still they'll tell you how much airplay LP's singles are getting. That's where I get all my info.
Elybe I get my information from there as well. Though I still use Billboard atleast for the information they release for free.