So, with Warner Brothers shutting down fan websites run by loyal fans and charging us lots of money to get new Linkin Park material, I came up with this. Season Pass to full length LPTVs (Because nothing is for free these days, even when it used to be. And the short versions, well, suck.): $20 LPUnderground 6 Membership (Because teh LPU is t1ght, and you get exclusives, even though shit never gets fixed!): $25 "What I've Done" song & video from iTunes (Because every site with it uploaded got owned by Warner): $3 Tickets + M&G passes (So you can actually meet the band in person): $50 Text Messages to talk to the band (Even if they actually reply): $2 Minutes to Midnight Super Fan Package (Because you aren't a "Super Fan" if you don't): $100 Being a Linkin Park fan (A broke one, at that): Priceless For most bands, it doesnt cost this much to be a fan, but for Linkin Park, there's Warner Brothers. ---------- The total adds up to $200. Wow.
I've been seeing threads like this in other forums, and sadly I agree 100%. I'm sure its Warner , not LP. I'm really worried from what they're doing with LP. I don't know what kind of contract LP signed.
Its their fault for doing illegal stuff. LP said they didn't want it leaking before, and they tried their hardest. If you can't wait a couple of days, thats your problem. You don't have to pay for What I've Done, you can download it off myspace. The other stuff is optional. They're not TELLING you to buy the MTM 100$ package. You can buy the 20$ one if you want. They're offering the 100$ to those who want more. You're twisting the situation in some areas, but in some areas I do agree.
Well, let's at least hope LP knows what kind of contract they signed. I'd hate to see them become a band that has to depend on the internet for all their sales. Come to think of it, I think they have a large enough fanbase to where it hopefully wouldn't matter if that did happen.
is OiNK good? I checked their site but its invite only. that's prooooobabblyyy why you said invite. oh darn, I wish I knew someone who was a member that could possibly invite me
Yes, Warner sets the suggested retail values, and frankily, their taking too much advantage of die-hard fans. I really don't think the $100 version will be a hit, and honestly, I'm a little saddened that LP doesn't have the power to just press ONE version of the cd, and leave it at that. All this optional stuff is consumerism at its worst.
I really don't understand what the big deal is about having the video of WID on YouTube. Youtube get's over a million hits a day. It's a great marketing tool. And another thing, Warner goes apeshit about the single leaking ONE DAY before it was going to get officially released. Honestly man, Warner is ran by a bunch of idiots.
That really sucks, I was looking forward to getting the collector one, now Ill just buy the CD by itself probably.
$100? holy shit just that costs the same as the Halo 3 Legendary edition..damn dude. I think I'm going to stick with the CD/ DVD which should be around $25.95. And those Itune tracks would get leaked on the released day if not days after.
i've asked this in another thread, but it never got attention or an answer. During the big hissy (the lawsuit, the fight with the label), LP was given a $15million advance for this album. Does that mean it's theres and whatever is made from this album is their's too (after Warner takes their cut of course), or does LP have to make $15million, THEN whatever is made after that is split between the two entities? if it's the latter, I can see where Warner is making sure they get their greedy 15million back. I don't blame LP one bit, i'm behind them all the way, but my wallet and ass is gonna hurt after May 15th, lol.