To the discerning ear of the nu-metal/Linkin Park/"real music" fan, they're very much comparable. May as well be the same person.
lol calm down little fella. Insult is a poor way to get your points across. Be civil. LP can do much better than this. This is of the mill generic pop stuff. Nothing memorable. Like something that a DJ can create or something you hear at Karaoke bar. U need to hold them to higher standard. hope other songs in the album can prove me wrong.
A decent producer who's experienced in multiple genres, or even a nu-metal band, could probably "create" any existing Linkin Park song in a couple of minutes flat. My point is that just because someone else can do it (esp. when they now wouldn't even have to do the work of coming up with any of the ideas themselves) doesn't make it good or bad.
I agree that there is such a misconception. But pop music connotes a broader area of music spanning different genres. It's not that there is no creativity involved. There is, of course. It's hard to explain but I know you understand why pop music is reviled (or loved) by a lot of people.
example: just look at songs from LT like Castle of Glass, In My Remains, Road Untraveled. Those are great soft LP songs. Battle is in the same vein as Tay tay, Katty Perry. Don't mean to upset anyone here but fans need to hold them to higher standard.
How are Taylor Swift and Katy Perry even close to each other as reference points, let alone both reference points for describing this Linkin Park song? ...
I think they're just throwing out names at random, which nu-metal/Linkin Park fans typically have to do as they don't tend to actually know much about the music they bash.
"How are Taylor Swift and Katy Perry even close to each other as reference points" I'm just saying it's generic pop stuffs. Inoffensive, but provides nothing special.
To be honest, anything looks easy to make when you see it's final form. How strange, Heavy and Battle Sym feel special to me. Weird huh? Edit: cleaned up some mess. Typing on phone is hard.
Your example there didn't work there. Like at all. You (like others) are just fixated on how literally two words, "back together" are delivered by Chester in a similar way Taylor Swift delivers them in her song. Why don't we also take issue with Chester's elongated version of singing "wide awake" and compare it to Katy Perry's song of the same title, while we're at it. Ideally though this place can give more thoughtful comments than that of YouTube, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
Wow, this song ain't much better than Heavy. Instrumentally poor, repetitive boring pop beat, generic, forgettable lyrics. Sounds like no effort has been put into this. Even their old demos or b-sides sounds better than this. My hope and hype for this album totally died out.
I had to give that comment a 'like' because of the Joker Dark Knight reference and because it made me laugh... ...but dear sweet God please no "baby baby oh" from Linkin Park...ever... Edit: Knowing LP they could actually make that sound decent lol. But I'm still saying I'd rather them not try... and I don't think they will.
Man, seeing Dave's tweets about the album make me even more upset seeing people's comments. Like you can hate the style all you want, but to say they're sellouts or they put no effort into this is just plain ignorant. Especially big LP fans.. they should know how much they pour into their music. People, man...
Honestly think Battle Symphony should've been the lead single because I fell in love with this track from the first listen. It sounds alot like Army Of One by Coldplay except with less of the cheesy imagery about pyramids and crap. I can't help but feel Mike should've had a rap verse at some point though, a la Burn It Down. Nonetheless, the track takes what should be the most cheese-on-toast chord progression going and actually makes it sound half decent.