Tide goes in, tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can't explain that. Edit: [youtube]UyHzhtARf8M[/youtube]
The amount of stupid that guy has is so overwhelming that I can feel my brain cells committing mass harakiri.
So what Bill basically means is that since we don't have all the scientific knowledge of everything in existence, we should throw all logic out the window and believe in something where you can just make everything work. God did it. It's such an incredibly lazy way of thinking. Thankfully there's rational minded people out there still advancing our race.
Not that I was taking you seriously before, but I now have 100% confirmation that I can't take you seriously anymore without stabbing out my eyes with chopsticks and feeding them to koi fish.
And back to the original post of the video, say what you want about my boy Bill, Lupe is just ignorant, I'm not sure he himself knows where he stands.
I've actually found myself agreeing with Glenn Beck more and more these days. O'Reilly is still batshit insane, but I don't know about Beck sometimes. I mean, yeah, some of the things he says could be considered diarrhea of the mouth, but then I watch episodes like they had last week, where he was talking about college, and I completely agree with him. can't WAIT to be lynched by you guys for saying that, but i really don't care what you guys think, especially Minus. Bring it on, but I'm a Glenn Beck fan. You don't have to go to college to have a successful and meaningful life. Beck didn't go to college, and he has more money than Minus probably ever will. But, if you do go to college, go for something that makes you happy, not for a job that pays well. That's such a cop-out.
Similarly, the insane crack whore who lives in the alley behind me made a very salient point yesterday about immigration law, right before she vomited up a jelly donut. I now intend to listen to her stopped-clock aphorisms with much more attention. On a serious, less crack-whory note, I highly doubt that you "don't care" about what others think, given that you've devoted time to making your argument on a discussion forum.
Hullo, I am Minus. You are all dunderheads, but Casey is the biggest gorram dunderhead in the 'verse. Kina Grannis. Empty spaces. Love from Minus. :derek:
I've been done left to go do things. So sue me. In more serious seriousness, I really don't check Serious Chat all that much. In other things about things, your argument that you don't have to go to college to have a successful and meaningful life is moot, considering Glenn Beck hasn't done anything MEANINGFUL in a long time. If you go to college for whatever makes you happy, you'd find there would be a lot more starving musicians and artists in the world. You don't go to college to be happy. You go to college to get yourself a stable enough job so that in your spare time you can DO the things you want to do. You know what's a cop-out? Going to jail. That's a cop-out. If you're wondering why I'm going about this by bringing in personal information, you're the one that brought in discussions from other threads where I clearly didn't mention success, college, or the like. Also, feet.
He is the orator and the destroyer too. He has a different philosophy in speaking an different in doing. He is a man of immorality and unrealistic spirit. *BOOTLEG REMOVED*
Anyone who believes they should be a politician is unfit for the job. It's the career that ruins people before they even get the career. Politicians are pre-corrupted for our convenience.