I have a question for all Adm. & Mod. I don't know who's the one who banns peple so i don't know whom to ask directly. Buti have a question why *LiNkIn WiTcHy* and *WiCkEd WiTcHy* were banned ? Any explanations?
say she uploaded images on the LPA (when u could do it) then linked it on her site so that it took some of LPA's bandwidth every time someone loaded that picture thats an example, dunno if thats what she did and if LPA runs out of bandwidth u have to buy more =/
heres a chat log from last night [19:28] ViSuAL: derek [19:28] Derek: ? [19:28] ViSuAL: u remeber linkin witchey [19:28] ViSuAL: that got banned [19:28] Derek: yes [19:28] Derek: yes [19:28] ViSuAL: i think she is back [19:28] ViSuAL: or he [19:28] Derek: i know. [19:28] ViSuAL: I'm going to ban her now [19:29] ViSuAL: lol [19:29] ViSuAL: what did she/he get baned for anyway [19:29] Derek: stealing bandwidth from our site [19:30] ViSuAL: lol i had to rename our msn names to make it more obvious
Yes. She was banned and tried to re-register, this is AGAINST the rules. Stealing bandwidth is also AGAINST THE RULES. This topic has now been declared pointless. Any further questions? Take them to PM's.
You want an admin reply here it is: I suggest you stop worrying about our job and how we do it. I'm sorry but, Linkin Witchy was banned because she was blatantly and obviously stealing bandwidth from our website. On our forums to be exact. When you steal bandwidth it depletes it every so much and seeing how LPA grows it will take just one person like that to push our limit over. You've been a member for quite some time, you've seen what happens when the LPA runs out of bandwidth, the whole site goes out of service. I have proof that one person can affect the LPA in a bad way as its happened, I'm just not going to go into detail on it. Until you start paying for the site when you barely have an income to begin with(Alex is only in college mind you, he isn't filthy rich), I'd request that you please do not bother in this type of stuff. If your a friend of Linkin Witchy which im guessing you are? Deliver her this message: Your not coming back because you made the horrible descision of stealing bandwidth from the LPA, maybe if you'd think before you did things like this, you wouldn't be banned.
Just so you all know: What they did was uploaded Linkin Park pictures onto our forums, and then linked to them from her own LP fansite. Everytime someone clicked that link and was taken to an image uploaded on LPA's forums, it took some bandwidth away. That is bandwidth theft, and because of that they were banned. Now you know why. But next time someone gets banned, don't worry about why, we know why and we know what we're doing.