Give it to a rock band. Give it to an underground rapper. Give it to a mainstream producer so at least there's a big name attached to it. Give it to somebody whose sole goal isn't to make BID fit in their set.
Danceversion? Really? Urgh. Not even LP can make dance sound good. That being said - slowly BID gets ruined for me.
Monthly Mix Up. We're doing Lost In The Echo this month. Anything goes. Remix/Cover, do whatever you want with it. Here's the link to the thread:
I try and keep things positive most of the time, but I'm a little bit underwhelmed here and, like most others here, I'm looking forward to hearing some other LIVING THINGS songs remixed!
Yeah, the best BID remix so far, and it's still not that good. I just don't think a lot of LP songs mesh well with these genres. This isn't an enhancement like the trance remix of Imogen Heap's "Hide & Seek", this is mega forced. Very few Linkin Park songs would make good electro or trance songs. The tempos are a little too off on most to force to 128-132 bpm.
Sounds like I should be at a techno rave party in the year 1999. If you havent listened to it yet, DON'T! That was just awful.
I'm confused, did we sign up for LIVING THINGS Remixed, or BURN IT DOWN Remixed? At least when Celldweller comes out with remix albums that have 17 different remixes of the same track, they're all different (some even completely mind-blowingly original, like the smooth jazz remix of Frozen).
My sentiments exactly. I'm finding it sadly hilarious that all we are getting is Burn It Down remixes. They are starting to burn me down. Lol. Thank god that the Monthly Mix-Up this month is Lost In The Echo! The few LITE remixes we have already gotten have been a nice, enjoyable breath of fresh air from BID. These should hold me over for a little while, or at least until the concert comes my way. The only thing I am finding odd about this official remix though is that I have yet to receive the email with the link to download it. Normally it's in my inbox by the time I see the post on the forums here, but not this time... Anyone else not get the email yet either?
Fuck I haven't listened to the remix yet but I just wanted to say your signature is the best fucking song ever. I've been listening to that song non-stop for the past week. The video is probably one of the best MV's I've seen in years.