This is.. AMAZING! Love that little guitar part Brad plays.. It's not much of a "guitar solo", but it still sounds really nice.
Good song, but GATS > UIG. Living Things was filled with songs like this and I've honestly had it with that. Granted, I'd say this one's better than the majority of LT... But still. Lyrically, imo, one of their weakest efforts in years. But again, good song.
Blah. That's some really clichéd, stereotypical LP right there. "We were making pop songs. And one day Mike came out of nowhere and said I hate making pop songs." Chester So much for "visceral".
It's a decent song but it's pretty obvious this was made for the radio. I think I remember Mike talking about how the record company was telling them it'd be an uphill battle with all the heavy music so I'm sure they wrote this song with a purpose and wanted it to be the true lead single for the album. Definitely reminds me of New Divide and What I've Done. The guitar and drums are pretty bland but Chester's voice is on point.
Exactly my thoughts. It's like this was made for the sole purpose of being a hit, but that doesn't make it bad. I wouldn't call it great though. Also, GATS is way better IMO.
I still have to listen to it a couple more times because work doesn't let me enjoy it. But I love the "oooohs" I hear on the bridge. And like I said before in the 15 sec clip thread, I like synths over guitar so that's a positive for me.
I loved the song! Chester's vocals are awesome, that synth will be stuck in my head for the next weeks, probably.
At the first listening, I found it "meh", I hope it will grow a little bit. I listened it on BBC, but I heard that on Virgin Radio, Chestr said they will come to France this year Really hoping I could attend the concert.
First listen through I was still under the "heavy and visceral" rhetoric, and under that atmosphere this sounds pretty meh. But once I understood the song is more in the direction of LT and listened under that context, it's a great song. I love how the quiet parts build up to loud parts, and it's not really in a quiet verse to heavy chorus type of buildup either.
I didn't actually have high hopes for this song. Never thought the descriptions sounded too good to me, but it's way better than I thought it would be. I wasn't a fan of GATS so I already like this better. It doesn't even sound like an LP song, which isn't a bad thing. Not bad, I think it will grow on me the more I listen to it. Definitely different, sounds like every song on this album will sound unique from each other. Only thing this does is just makes want to listen to the rest of the album sooner.