[AUDIO] Until It's Gone - Listen to Linkin Park's New Single from The Hunting Party

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, May 5, 2014.

  1. Alexrednex

    Alexrednex Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    You completly lost my point. They got this far because they make Music which appeals to a lot of people - even the mainstream audience. I never said that made them better musicians. Stop putting words in other People's mouths.
  2. 101nemesis

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    He said they are one of the biggest bands in the world not geniuses. And he is absolutely right. The fact that LP headlines most of the rock festivals with bands like Metallica, IRON MAIDEN, Coldplay etc etc is proof of that.
  3. Moridin

    Moridin Death Contagious Deity

    May 25, 2010
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    I didn't have high hopes for this. When I read Derek's general description of the song & comparison to Numb last week, my guard was immediately raised. I listened to it not expecting much and that exactly what the song turned out to be - "not much".

    Plenty bands get by just fine without having to resort to writing radio friendly drivel.

    Quite frankly I think this is a horrible attitude, and a large part of what is wrong with the music industry.

    If Opeth can make a solid career writing Prog/Death/Folk Metal/Rock with a fanbase a fraction the size of LPs, - If Tool can become as big as they are writing what they do, and doing it so infrequently - then LP have no excuse.

    Where did I say anything about Chester screaming?

    Bloody hell. People really need to stop acting like anyone who doesn't like UIG only wants to listen to heavy music. I was listening to this before I heard UIG. That's good, interesting music. UIG is not.

    I await your reply with bated breath.
  4. LPFreak64

    LPFreak64 BACON!!!

    Sep 2, 2010
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    I have listened to the song probably 20 times now. I was on constant repeat for a moment. I'm in love. Stopped for about 30 minutes and listened again after reading all the hate. My thought the entire time was, "Would I like this if I heard it on the radio and didn't know it was LP." I might be biased by now, but I think I can honestly say that when compared to what Rock music is nowadays (Imagine Dragons,CHVRCHES, Bastille, Lorde, Passenger, Neon Trees, & Coldplay) and this song WIPES THE FLOOR with that Rock music. I would rather have this type of song repeated 12 times on an album and call it Rock than what any of those bands currently have charting on the Hot Rock Billboard.

    This DEFINITELY follows what the band has hyped for the album. Visceral, Carnivorous, & ROCK.
  5. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    It's a great track for me.. The only problem is the mixing of the song... I don't know what to say about the mixing, starting from LT era up to now the band lost their touch in mixing the right balance wall of sound. HT & Meteora had the best mixing, IMO. MTM & ATS were decent in terms of mixing. LT & this new tracks (GATS/UIG) have poor mixing.
  6. Nish

    Nish Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    1. It let's the mainstream audience, who never listen to LP save for big singles, know that there's a new album coming out.

    2. Find me one other song on pop radio that sounds like this (I mean pop as in popular, not pop music) because nothing sure as hell jumps into my mind.

    3. It was well established that this song was the softest of the 6-track sampler

    I don't think there's anything wrong with the mix and I don't think it's a spectacular song. Is it a solid song? Hell yes. Will it ensure lots more people listen to the new album? Most probably.
    Funnily enough, I had this exact same reaction when The Catalyst came out, and it ended up becoming one of my all time favourites simply due to the context of the album. If you hyped the song up so much that you were expecting Jesus to descend from the heavens to have an eargasm while listening to BBC1 radio, then that is entirely your fault. It's done its job, I'm now excited about the album release and find myself randomly humming the song in my head.

    Someone on the earlier pages of this thread said that no one hates Linkin Park like their fans and fuck me sideways if it isn't true, some of you are ridiculous.
  7. Nicholas

    Nicholas Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Soooooooo am I the only one that absolutely loves this song? Most are on here bashing it. I wasn't a big fan of GATS, but this new song is completely up my alley. I think it's going to fit in great with the album because if it's as heavy as they say it is then this song is going to be a breath of fresh air and a break from all the loudness. I hope there's at least one more other song like it on the album, I don't want 11/12 tracks to be nothing but rapping and yelling.
  8. Vic

    Vic No game no life

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Damn its really uncomfortable to read all this hate comments, I think this song is an improved version of Numb, the lyrics may not be that great but the music is very promising, I like the song a lot, not as much as GATS but it's really close. Looking forward to THP. Keep it up LP!
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
  9. shwcobb

    shwcobb 持ち上げて 解き放して

    Mar 14, 2012
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    You're not the only one :awesome:
  10. anti

    anti Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Exactly my thoughts!

    Guilty All The Same is great aswell, but in its own way.
  11. dontFindOutMe

    dontFindOutMe Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    It has grown on me a lot. At first I was like eh..But I really like it a lot now:awesome:. People need to give it a chance. The melody is catchy and infectious.Chester sounds awesome.Enough for me..
    Holy Crap..It's 4 AM here. I need to sleep. :ohno:
  12. Qwerty19

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Yep, uncomfortable is the right word. I think the song doesn't deserve such a bad treat and now I feel guilty to have semi-bashed it some pages ago. I'm done with this thread.
  13. Flozuki

    Flozuki LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jun 1, 2010
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    To get the Hypetrain back on track: we are still waiting for the first track with vocals by Mike =)
  14. wolflink

    wolflink I feel very privileged in debt for my thirst

    Jul 23, 2010
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    IT is true
    Where are you Shionada

    Shinoda: in the back layers

  15. Ok i got you. But because you highlighted this from Cylock_Dnb (the guy you were replying to)
    , I thought that by saying LP is one of the biggest bands you meant they are therefore one of the greatest musicians to debunk his argument.
  16. lordblood

    lordblood Radiance of a Thousand Suns

    Mar 5, 2014
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    OMG Linkin Park released a single that is radio-friendly?! Say it ain't so!

    Sheesh some of these posts make it sound like UIG was hyped as the best song of the year. It's a good song that has a more LT vibe but with more edginess, after a few hours now I see how it will potentially fit into the album, and it doesn't bother me at all.
  17. Silverstreet

    Silverstreet Active Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    I feel like Chester has lost much of the feelings in the vocals. I like the new songs since 2010. The lyrics are okay, but they don't give me the special feeling they gave me with their first records. Back then I used to read and interprete the lyrics very clearly but now it's like I hear a new song and the lyrics are just words without a deep meaning and any feelings.

    I hoped that this will change with new album, but I was a bit dissappointed by GATS, although I really love the melody, the guitar and especially the epic drums.

    Until it's Gone sounds nice, but a bit too sweet in my opinion. Sounds like another song of living things with the syth sound. Vocals and melody are okay, not very catchy and not very "special". The guitar is good and the drums are fantastic. Maybe they just needed a song for the radio...

    I'm missing mike's rap... Especially the combination between Mike rapping and Chester singing together like in Hybrid Theory and Meteory
  18. ToTheCitadel

    ToTheCitadel Wisdom, Justice & Love

    Apr 5, 2012
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    Liking the track a lot better now that I've listened to it a few more times. Chester's voice is just beautiful for this.
  19. lovablepanda

    lovablepanda Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    People who think Linkin Park copped on this song, turning their back on the whole visceral and the whole sounding like other bands thing, how many pop rock bands have you heard recently that has done a song like this because I sure haven't in a while. The song surprised me for sure but I wasn't disappointed. I appreciate the song for what it is and while it wasn't the lyrical miracle I was hoping, overall it was a song that was well worth the wait and has gotten me excited for the album knowing that of all the songs now heard by others this is their slowest song by comparison.
  20. snailharvest

    snailharvest nice

    Apr 7, 2012
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    yeah, wish lp would go back to the hardcore meteory days,

    not this pop-synth shit :kappa:

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