I'm not really sure what to think of this track, off the bat I like it, but I don't love it....yet. Some parts are straight heavy rock/metal, then some parts almost remind me of a pop song. I can definitely hear the SOAD influences, especially in Mike's voice. It's not as heavy as it was hyped up to be though, it still has that Linkin Park feel to it even with Daron on it. Not bad, but I don't think it's great ether. I like it a lot more than GATS, but I still like Wastelands and UIG more, but those songs suite my taste more. I'm still more interested in Final Masquerade than this, I kind of wish they premiered that instead, but it is listed on Spotify so it might be coming soon anyways. Pretty much, for some reason I much rather hear Mike's voice than Chester's now days. At least when it comes to the soft singing. I think it's Mike's deeper voice that sits better with me, leave Chester to the heavier parts.
YouTube Comments "Cool song but Mike should have recorded his vocals after he got rid of his cold..." _____________________________________ On another note: Rebellion should have been the lead single instead of GATS IMO. Woulld have attracted the old school fans more and probably brought more hype around the album.
Stop releasing more songs! I was planning on only hearing 2 or 3 songs on the album before it released!
Not going to listen to it. I personally don't want to listen to a third of the album before it comes out, but it's awesome that they actually are releasing more music before the album drops.
My very first thought: "Cool riff" Second thought: "Jesus fuck, the mix is horrendous." Overall good song. I like the position they've taken lyrically. I remember people complaining about LP when they touched on political topics, saying stuff like "they're rich and famous, what would they know," etc. Here the band is basically saying "yeah, we're lucky, we've [the band & modern western society] never really had to get out there and do what our ancestors did" "We are the fortunate ones, who've never faced oppressions gun, impressions of rebellion" Pretty good song overall, but Holy Odin, that mix.....
Can anyone explain to me what's so special about Mike's vocals on this that people would say they prefer his voice over Chester's? I actually think his vocals are pretty bland and boring here. I would have loved to see what Chester would have done with the verses. Anyway, I'm not too sure about this song yet, I'm normally not really into this kind of music. Maybe it'll grow on me. I do really like the chorus though.
Me too man. I haven't listen to this song and i only listened to a small part of wastelands. This is the first time LP releases 4 tracks .. 4 TRACKS of their new album !?! I was surprised when Chester tweeted a comment asking the fans if they wanna hear another new song from their new album. I wanna listen to the full album !!
great strategy. Nowdays people don't wait for album releases / Single releases like they did a few years ago... but by offering 4 tracks you make an old fan looking forward to it again
the lyric video on their youtube page sounds like its recorded with a potato. then i listened to the one on their facebook page and it was better quality
More coherently, I feel like this song may be my favorite of the four we've heard so far. Previously, my order had been: 1) Guilty All the Same 2) Wastelands 3) Until It's Gone Like...fuck me. These melodies, the vocal interplay between Mike and Chester, and that FUCKING GUITAR. Jesus Christ. That's the best riff LP has ever had in a song. A little blurry sounding in the YouTube version, but so was UIG when it first came out. I'm sure the iTunes version will be much clearer. This album is so easily on track to be my favorite of theirs. Meteora has held that position since I was like...13. The Hunting Party is delivering on every front so far. And Rebellion was one of the songs I was afraid I wouldn't care for much with its SOAD-style sound.
In fact, Mike's vocs are little bit too loud IMO. Lyrics works nice, pure description of todays youth. 4/10 tracks shared, now it's like waiting for an EP release (I'm not counting Summoning and Drawbar)
Someone who agrees with me These songs do just keep getting better and better! I'm ready for Final Masquarade to blow me away!
Love this song! Mikes emotion has always been clear but Chester has one of the best/most dynamic voices in music history. Seriously what Chester can do/has done throughout his recording career and as a live performer will never be equaled because he's too unique and a once in a lifetime singer. Also I hate Lana Del Ray, her first album was a joke just fucking terrible. She had her rich father give her plastic surgery and her recording career so fake and immensely un talented. Just read all the hate critically for her over-hyped debut album it tanked especially when compared to how promoted it was/end of the year sales, artists like her are why the US sucks musically most of the time IMO. In Europe far more raw/natural talent makes it to the radio on a regular basis.