ATS Pre-Listening Fan Notes 08/30/10

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Aug 31, 2010.

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  1. Storm

    Storm Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Exactly This.
    And then in his blog he writes twice TO PLAY THE CD LOUD... for f*** sake, who wouldn't play it loud the first 5 times at all??? Any new CD gets played loud, you don't need an advice to do that! Also because with headphones often you realize there are little sounds you never heared before even after 10 dozen times listening the same song, and that is already one good reason to play it loud on stereo!
    I don't mean to be offensive toward Evan, just some things gets kinda on my nerves lol.

    @Derek: to accept the album as a voyage is what the band tries to do, and the review dismantles it... if there is someone who was sceptical about interludes (not me) and was starting maybe to change ideas, to read this gets backwards again.
    I prefer people to be as the ones who makes interviews, saying "i can't wait to hear it again!" to understand it better, and not to say "i forgot this and that and those were funny and the interludes felt moody and lame" after 2 listens. See what i mean?

    And by the way, this album will be a delight for the senses. I am sure of that.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2010
  2. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    In the same light, people shouldn't be so harsh just because they didn't like Evan's notes. Evan didn't have to do this for you guys, but he decided to be nice and share his thoughts. That's worthy of some respect.
  3. Shayan86

    Shayan86 Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2010
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    What's the reason to complain? He listened to it once and forgot some parts, what's wrong with that? Can all of you guys remember all parts of a record after one or two listens? Now if he didn't write a review, people would be saying why no one had written a review, now that somebody has written a review, people complain about him forgetting some parts, weird. I don't underdtand some of these rude comments like if you don't remember don't bother to write a review, show some respect some of you guys.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2010
  4. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Exactly. The ungratefulness in this thread is astounding.
  5. murphyLP

    murphyLP The blood of innocence burning in the skies

    Apr 10, 2007
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    for the people complaining...there´s a simple solution!!!

    Don´t read the review and wait for the album to make your own!!!
  6. Moviten

    Moviten [Teh Unknown]

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Such quick, small comments on every song just makes me blink a lot. Thanks a lot to the person who did it, but I feel like I've learned nothing. Two weeks isn't that long away I suppose.
  7. cradle

    cradle Foreword LPA VIP

    Dec 15, 2006
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    I love Interludes, i was hoping for a instrumental track on this album :( .
  8. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Exactly, it's just two weeks away. Or 9-10 days if you count the fact that the album comes out in Germany then/will likely leak at least the night before.
  9. Adam.

    Adam. Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    If he didn't bother to write a review we would still have Ana's and the other, better, listening reviews. I'm sorry if it sounds harsh but just because you take the time to write something out, because you care, doesn't mean you did it well. If you can't remember the album you have no business reviewing it. He didn't just forget "some parts" he practically forgot the whole album, and what he did provide was generalized and heavily subjective at best. Again, it's not a mark against him as a person, but this review is terrible in its current state.

    The reason it's terrible is that either he lacked the forethought to take notes (as Ana so prudently did, resulting in a definitely superior review) or that he simply wasn't paying all that much attention to the music and was spending far more time looking at the art work. Either way if you went to this listening, didn't take notes, and couldn't remember 80% of it you probably wouldn't write a review in the first place. Honestly, this review was of such poor quality that I actually re-read it to make sure it was believable that he even listened to the album. The only reason I believe that he was even there is because he obviously paid attention to the art work being passed around — which, mind you, he was able to provide reasonable details about.

    And the reason people might seem a little huffy is this: He had exclusive access to a highly conditioned first listen of this album. If he had gone into this, as Ana did, with the intent of bringing out useful information for everyone else as a kind of "civic responsibility" to the group he would have put in the effort to remember. It is abundantly clear that this review, and the intention to write it, was an afterthought. The fact that he remembers SO little of the actual music makes this entire review more of a "Nya nya I got to listen and you didn't!" than a useful review.

    And no matter how cool he is in real life, or how nice it was of him to write it, that doesn't turn this around and make any of the information contained in the review useful, new, or interesting. Sorry.
  10. Adam.

    Adam. Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Please tell me you're kidding. The solution to not being happy with this review is to.. not read it? It can't be unread, friend.
  11. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I really hate to be 'that guy', but Adam is on point on this one. I apologize, since I know Evan had no obligation to do this, but it's true that if you can't remember most of the album, you don't really have a good standpoint when it comes to actually reviewing the album.

    Also, don't double-post Adam. That's what the edit button is for.
  12. Adam.

    Adam. Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Apologies. I keep forgetting that the edit button here works for more than 3 minutes. On my other forums it does not work after that amount of time in order to prevent revisionism and deleting of arguments. I'll try to be more mindful.
  13. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Well I know that personally...if I could hear the album I'd write a better review then anyone who's published one yet. Why? Because I used to review music for a music site a few years ago before that site went defunct.

    Sadly though, LP has no plans to do a listening party in the Philly area, and the odds of me getting an advance is like trying to break into Fort Knox with a spork. It's basically impossible.
  14. Storm

    Storm Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Nevermind than. I just left my opinion. Maybe i like to be perfectionist and am not a fan of half-way done things. I just meant to say that (for example):
    2. The Radiance - Interlude, kind of meh. - This is not a review.
    7. Jornada Del Muerto - An interlude. Kind of depressing because I was looking forward to this song a lot. - This leaves a bitter taste, because he doesn't say what he didn't like exactly in this.

    And more. I am grateful to everything useful we got these days that puts ATS in a better light, at least till we don't get the chance to hear it.
    I am sorry if the moodiness i have these days came out in my posts, wasn't my intention. My girlfriend is on an island and just risked to get Hurricane Danielle and Earl and a third approaching now. I guess if it wouldn't be for that and other terrorifing stuff going on in my life right now i'd be not so harsh. Things tended to change me lately.
    ATS is the only light i see since 3-4 months of darkness, seriously lol...
    I didn't want to offend anyone.
  15. Cyanide

    Cyanide 1989

    Jun 26, 2010
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    The notes themselves are not bad, they're just slightly irrelevant except for a few points such as the lyrics in Burning in the Skies. In addition, by no means is this a review. These are simply notes, as the thread title suggests, and a few observations of how the songs actually sound. A review is much more complex than this, and it's definitely not something structured, let's say, track by track. I have been a movie reviewer for my local magazine for about two years now and I have a general idea of what you can expect from a review. An album review is almost impossible to write after only one listen, except, of course, if we're talking about Nickelback, Soulja Boy or 50 Cent.

    Everyone should just chill out and actually appreciate we have something to read about the album rather than sit all dull and complain there's no news.
  16. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I whole-heartedly agree. I mean, I understand if it's just a 'reactions' thread, but these aren't exactly notes. For JDM (car fans around the world just lol'd at the acronym for Jornada Del Muerto), we have no idea what it sounds like from this review. Just saying.

    And Storm, my thoughts go out to your girlfriend. I've been following these hurricanes in the news have seen first hand how frightening hurricanes can be at times. It'll be okay, dude. :)
  17. Adam.

    Adam. Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    I think the people who complained about no news enjoyed this thread. Those of us that weren't complaining seem to have formed a different opinion. I also realize we are throwing the term review around lightly, this is obviously that in only a very vague respect. But honestly, these are not listening notes either — because it's evident that no notes were actually taken.

    I mean with anything else you would want to kill the person who did this to you.
    "Oh, i drove one of those cars once. It was AWESOME!"
    "Oh, that's so cool that you got to drive one.. what was your favorite part?"
    "The steering wheel."
    "I don't remember."
  18. Harlz

    Harlz More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me LPA Super Member

    May 26, 2006
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    :lol: JDM
  19. spursrule

    spursrule Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    One or two interludes is ok, but this has 5 or 6, which is ridiculous. I would have preferred 1 more proper single than 4 extra interludes! Who is seriously going to listen to the album from start to finish everytime?
  20. Adam.

    Adam. Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    People who care. The way I see it is this album is like a good book. You can and will revisit certain parts more often, but you'll occasionally read the whole thing through again just because you like it that much.
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