And we haven't even finished melting season. So yeah, we're screwed.
Well yeah, that's the thing that's so frightening about this. The events taking place now were supposed to be on the horizon in 2030 or 2040. Basically, all there's left to do is hope the Earth can withstand that much more in greenhouse gases, or that we have plans to colonize Mars or the Moon in the near future or something.
You bet your ass. Let's get a'h pitch-forks and revolts against dem dam elitist asshole, wingnuts. U-IN?
People who deny global warming are either ignorant or in denial. However, there's still a lot of debate whether it's natural warming or human-assisted warming. Correlation does no equal causation, after all. The only thing I know for sure is that that's a shit ton of ice, and I'm glad I live nowhere near a coastline.
There are thousands of studies that will show you that in this case, correlation does prove causation. The analogy I like to use with people is the following: climate change is a natural cycle but we've just put it on steroids. Heck, even the Koch Brothers' own bought-and-sold think tank found around Halloween last year that there was incontrovertible evidence of human-assisted warming.
Wow..crazy stuff..I agree that people who don't believe in global warming are ignorant or in denial though.
I think that even if humans were not speeding up global warming it makes sense to do things to keep the earth healthy anyway. I mean, I just don't get the point of not doing so. But I am sure we cause speeding up by extraordinary factors.
I dunno but just manually type the [ img ] [ / img] tag without spaces and it doesn't do that. It only does that when you actually hit the image button as far as I am aware.
Hey, Colorado is supposed to be the coast line so I say bring it on. I've always dreamed of owning a beach house On serious note though, It's not going to get fixed because these politicians won't give up their big oil connections.
That's insane.. and scary. Makes me think about the future... On a side note, there is this guy that drives a red pick up truck in my city, and I always see him because I notice his bumper sticker that says ''GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX''. I want to slap him if I ever find out who he is. He also drives like a douchebag as well.
As it turns out, the 700 ppm of greenhouse gases thought to be the result of the Arctic ice completely melting (which, by the way, is almost double what it is now) won't completely destroy the Earth or obliterate all life on it. There was another event like it called the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum that involved all the gas that is currently trapped under the ice. It took place in the early Cenozoic period and is credited with the extinction of the last of the dinosaurs. But hey, at least that means there's a chance another species will have the chance to take over once we're gone.