That looks like it's going to cost way too much money. Even if it is an Apple product, I'd never pay more than $200 for a cell phone.
I wouldn't mind one, but does anyone else feel the idea of a touchscreen to be a little faulty? I mean, iPods without touch screens break all the time, how well is a touchscreen going to fare? It's actually brilliant on Apple's part because of the number of replacements that will be sold. Battery life is going to need to be highly improved.
OMG !!! i can wet my pants looking at that all day. I want that 8 Gb phone, even if i have to buy it from EBAY ...I WANT IT !!!!!!
Oh, it looks like an awesome phone and all, but it is paired with the single worst cellular provider on this planet. Apple needs to sell this in an unlocked version, because if it remains a cingular exclusive, I will never own one. Saw this during my break today: "HOOOLY FUCK. That's fucking sexy." This should be interesting. Although, I thought it'd be unlocked. =\
I'd have to agree with that. Aside from it being a bit expensive, Cingular is just about the worst provider (after Nextel). It looks like an awesome phone, but the fact that they chose Cingular makes me mad.
Battery life is on par or better with most cel phones. I think you're referring to the talk time, which isn't the actual battery life. You're supposed to get 16 hours from just watching movies and playing MP3s, which isn't too bad. I'm not sure why you guys don't like Cingular, but it's fine for me. Price is way too steep as you all said, though. I'll wait for the next generation.
I had Cingular for 2 years, and it was HORRIBLE. Reception was non-existant in large cities. Cingualr is fine in rural areas (like Rolla, Missouri where I go to college) but in St. Louis (home) and several large cities I travelled to, New York City (Yes, you'd expect a cell signal in the middle of Manhattan), Washington DC and New Orleans just to name a few, reception was horrible. People can buy the awesome iPhone if they want it, but I'll have the last laugh when I'm happily talking away on my phone and your fancy $500 phone is a brick because it can't find a signal. I kind of hope that when the exclusive contract ends in 2009, Apple will offer this to T-Mobile as well, because I'd be the first in line to buy one. But one more final thought....the iPhone might be good for those of us who are on good cellular providers and don't want to switch to Suckgular. It might light a fire under the asses of other smart phone makers such as RIM and HTC and all of the other ones out there to make something as cool as innovative as the iPhone.
Am I the only person that just doesn't see the excitement in this? Whoopdie doo, touch screen. Wow. Ok, what now? Internet? What gadget nowadays DOESN'T have internet? Mp3 player? Again, what doesn't? 2 megapixel camera. Alright, my old piece of shit Nokia was 4 megapixels. I really just don't see the appeal in this. And I'll back Todd up with the "Cingular sucks" idea.
Well, I can't say you'll have the last laugh because I've never had those problems. I didn't even have them in St. Louis whenever I visit relatives, which I did over this past Christmas. I've also never had problems in any other large cities -- Seattle, Houston, Dallas, Memphis, Mexico City, etc.
Well, where i'm from most people go for Cingular. I'm on Sprint and i'm sick of it. It's ok, but it's too pricey for me. The iPhone won't be out until June so that gives me plenty of time to save money for one.