Hey, another newbie here (there are a lot aren't there? ). Anyway, My knowledge of LP isn't that great, but i own most of their albums, which gives me at least something to talk about. Hopefully, i'll have fun learning more about the band and, of course, meeting you guys.
Hey Astray. Welcome to the boards! :hugz: Be sure to read the rules and guide here in Newbie Camp. You sig is too wide btw, maybe you can resize it in Photoshop or something, cause it's stretching the boards. Have fun posting. I'm Marj.
Thank you for the warm welcome Marj! I've attempted to resize the sig, but photobucket likes to screw about a lot with me when i upload a resized image. Is that any better?
Hmm, I get what you mean. I had that too a while ago. It wouldn't change the size. Gah, sorry man, but if you can't resize it you'll have to take it away from the boards, cause stretching is bad heh.
Thanks. If only i could use photoshop eh ? Still, MS Paint can be just as effective if you have nothing else to work with.