I was listning to the radio today and I heard once again that an image of Jesus has been found. This time on a sour cream and onion potato chip. The woman who found it is a deeply religious person and is taking it as a sign. The chip is now sitting in a jar in her kitchen. Her and her husband are contemplating on what to do with it Okaaaaaay, first it was the stain on the wall thing, then it was the ultrasound scan, and now a potato chip. It's getting kind of insane now. IT'S JUST A COOINCIDENCE, NOT A SIGN FROM GOD!!! Anyway, if this thread has been done before, don't hesitate to delete it.
... Has anyone ever wondered that maybe the factories are purposefully forming their chips or walls and shit to make religious figures? Just for the purpose of fucking up people's lives and making people going insane?
Sooner or later, Osama Bin Laden will have his own brand of chips... I think sooner or later Buddha will have his own brand as well.
People are getting really impatient for Jesus to come. Their jelous of us Jews because our mesiah has already come. Who is it? hah...it's a secret.
My slurpee cup is shaped as Yoda's head. Does that count? [yes Vani, I have one of those promo Yoda heads from 7-11. ]
man the world is goin nuts abt jesus's face i mean its like...when he comes,he comes btw i havv a jesus on my crucifix does that count?
I think we shouldn't actually be able to say anything looks like Jesus, because in actuality, we don't know what he really looked like. There are paintings with the similar look about him, but you must take into consideration that all those paintings were done after he died (for those who believe he lived in the first place). So people are going overboard saying something looks like Jesus, when in reality, we don't actually know what Jesus looked like.
How can a chip look like Jesus? What to do with the chip. Hmm... Option 1: Eat it Option 2: Make a fortune by selling it on ebay